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Those Alaskan coal claimants have been making a great effort in Washington to rush their patents through, and there seems to be some possibility of their succeeding unless the public wakes up. We want to show up the whole fraudulent affair, show how the entries were illegal, and how the agents of the Trust are trying to put over the greatest steal of the century.

A packed Court-martial of enemies speedily found the prisoner guilty, and the delicious determining of the punishment absorbed the attention of the Court. John, with a poet's fancy, suggested that the criminal should be compelled to lick a worm. Judith, more practical, advocated her being sent to the house to steal some jam. "I forgot to," she said.

"The little boys had banners also, had they not, Francois?" "Oh! was I not whipped that day because I asked mother why we did not walk in the procession, like other children!" "Then it was that she told us never to enter a church, unless it was to steal the money-box for the poor, 'or from the pockets of people listening to mass, added Calabash, laughing and showing her old, yellow teeth."

But de oberseer he done took it away from me, an' dat's de way you find out what sort of a man he is. No, missus; I don't steal. I always tell de troof." Marcy Gray did not ride to Nashville with any hope of meeting Aleck Webster that day, and consequently he was most agreeably surprised when he saw him standing on the steps of the post-office.

In, marriage we do all three when we're ill-mated. We steal affection from some one else, we lie in our lives and we sin in our relationship." Ethel asked him very quietly: "Do you mean that you are a sinner, a thief, and a liar?" Brent looked at her in horror. "Oh, take some of the blame," said Ethel; "don't put it all on the woman." "You've never spoken to me like this before."

Little Tobe's face was always black, from the dust of the bituminous coal that he was compelled to steal at night from the railroad companies' yard. His attire was in miniature what his father's was in the large, as his character was in embryo what the elder Tobit's was in complete development.

"It is treason to brew love-philters, when they are designed to take effect upon the King of France," replied the duke. "It is also treason to steal a lock of his hair wherewith to prepare the philter." "Did she say this?" screamed the countess, with the ferocity of a tigress at bay. "She did.

"Shall we submit to insult? shall we sit down like frightened birds and see the black-livered cormorant steal what is ours? shall the courage of the Poloes be questioned by all the surrounding tribes? Never! while we have knives in our boots and spears in our hands.

A buzz of suppressed laughter followed, which as instantly ceased, for the marquis looked angrily around. 'Stand forth, Tom Fool, he said. Through the crowd came Tom, and stood before the dais, looking frightened and sheepish. 'Sure I am, Tom, thou didst never go to steal a mare of thine own notion: who went with thee? said the marquis. 'Mr. Scudamore, my lord, answered Tom. 'Ha, Rowland!

I shall steal again. Thirty-one...." "But how can you steal, when it is neither yours nor another's? You will simply take as much as you want, brother." "It has taken you a long time to repeat His words! Don't you value time, you clever Thomas?" "You seem to be laughing at me, brother." "And consider, are you doing well, my virtuous Thomas, in repeating His words?