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Where the Blunder grounded and she hath airned her name, for the good of the dwellers in this village is the chine of the Pig; and he hath a double back, with the outer side higher than the inner one. She came through a narrow nick in his outer back, and then plumped, stem on, upon the inner one. You may haul at her forever by the starn, and there she'll 'bide, or lay up again on the other back.

The instant the blow was made, long Tom shouted, with singular earnestness: "Starn all!" "Stern all!" echoed Barnstable; when the obedient seamen, by united efforts, forced the boat in a backward direction beyond the reach of any blow from their formidable antagonist.

That was on the morning of the 13th, and old Jervis made the signal to prepare for action, and keep close order, which means, to have your flying jib-boom in at the starn windows of the ship ahead of you; and we did keep close order, for a man might have walked right round from one ship to the other, either lee or weather line of the fleet.

His warning would have been too late, but the chestnut fortunately leaped over the danger instead of stumbling into it, and its rider was only partially shaken out of his seat. "It's well," he said, when fairly settled down again to an easy gallop, "that the tiller-ropes are stout else I'd ha' bin over the starn this time instead of out on the bowsprit. Let me see, what was I sayin' of?"

When any thing is wanted, then there is a general overhaul of the whole cargo, and away they get shifted forrard, one by one, all handled over and chucked into a heap together till the lost one is found; and the next time, away they get pitched to the starn agin, higglety pigglety, heels over head, like sheep taken a split for it over a wall; only they increase in number each move, cause some on 'em are sure to get broke into more pieces than they was afore.

"By Gad, sir," cried Sails, looking round with a face of terror, and scrambling down, "he's tuk a bite out of my starn!" After the horses had been well lunged it became necessary to mount them. In vain, however, I tried to persuade Sails or his comrade Dick to get upon their backs.

Lord a mercy, you might have drove a Portsmouth waggon into his starn the broadside of the Victory had made room enough. However, they were soon all smothered up in smoke, and we could not make out how things were going on but we made a pretty good guess.

"It might have been no laughing matter, Mr Tom," said he, looking at his son. "What's done can't be helped, father, as Jacob says. After all, you're more frightened than hurt." "I don't know that, you young scamp," replied the old man, putting his hand behind him, and rubbing softly; "you've bit a piece clean out of my starn. Now, let this be a warning to you, Tom.

The local legend, according to which a passage exists, linking Graywater and Monkswell, is confirmed by the monk's plan." "What?" cried Sir Lionel, springing to his feet "a passage between the Park and the old tower! My dear sir, it's impossible! Such a passage would have to pass under the River Starn! It's only a narrow stream, I know, but "

The cockswain stood examining his game with cool discretion, and replied to this interrogatory: "No, sir, no he's going into his flurry; there's no occasion for disgracing ourselves by using a soldier's weapon in taking a whale. Starn off, sir, starn off! the creater's in his flurry!"