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"Why, clap on all sail an' give 'em a starn chase, which is always a long one. For this purpose, however, I would have to command a good craft so I'd expect you to lend me yours, Hunky Ben." "What! my Polly?" "Even so. Black Polly."

Thet's Burnt Island on the port bow, and Cath'rine to starboard, both 'habited by Ailikoleeps. The open water beyant is Whale-boat Soun'; an' ef we kin git through the narrer atween, we may still hev a chance to show 'em our starn. Thar's a sough in the soun', that tells o' wind thar, an' oncet in it we'll get the help o' the sail."

Yes, sir, God's will must be submitted to; and sorry enough was I to read the obittery in the newspapers Grace, &c., daughter, &c., and only sister, &c. You'll be glad to hear, however, sir, that Willow Cove is moored head and starn in the family, as one might say, and that the bloody mortgage is cut adrift." "I am glad to hear this, Mr.

But the next moment they were aware that the boat's stem had come in contact with one of the crocodiles, which gave a tremendous plunge and began to send the water flying in all directions as it beat heavily upon the surface with its tail. "Starn all!" roared Joe Cross involuntarily, and then recollecting himself, he roared out, "Pull, lads! Pull for your lives!"

Putting her mouth near a loop she said in a low but distinct voice "Why you don't roll here, and fall in scow? Chingachgook shoot Huron, if he chase!" "By the Lord, gal, that's a judgematical thought, and it shall be tried, if the starn of your scow will come a little nearer. Put a bed at the bottom, for me to fall on."

"Well, I don't exactly know, sir, as you would call it remarkable" he answered; "but there's something visible over the starn as perhaps the lady might like to see." "Oh!" answered Leslie. "Then let us have a look at it."

Not in a starn chase, p'raps, but I've got a good mem'ry and I can heave-to till yer comes within reach, and then well, I'm sorry for you, my lad. I know yer; Davvy, Davvy."

"Give 'em another pill, Tom, and slap it right into the thick of 'em this time; we mustn't let 'em surround us at no price," exclaimed old Mildmay. "Turn round on your thwarts, lads, and pull the boat gently up stream, starn first, so's to keep our bull-dog forward there facing 'em. Now, as soon as you're ready there with the gun let 'em have it."

Wouldn' know a pig's starn from his stem, I b'lieve, if th' Almighty hadn' clapped on a twiddling tail, same as they put in books to show where a question ends.

"Over her starn!" he cried. "There's a fellow getting down from the cat-head to run aft. Stop, stop!" he shouted involuntarily. "There's an awful wave on your quarter." His voice was swallowed in the roaring of the storm. I fancied I could distinguish a dark something shoot from the bows towards the stern. But the huge wave fell upon the wreck.