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J. Dudley Simms is still roostin' alongside the wireless cabin; and just beyond, crouched behind a stanchion with one ear juttin' out, is Captain Killam. "Fine!" says I. "Rupert's got a steady job, eh?" About then the other folks commence mobilizin' for a drive on the dinin'-room, and someone calls Dudley to come along. "Just a moment," says he, scribblin' on a pad.

He was red-smeared with veld dust and white-smeared with mortar, and black with old soot. His bulky body oscillated as he let himself down from beam to stanchion, finding sure foothold in the crevices, and hand-grip in the stout iron hooks from which plump mutton-hams and beef sausages had hung ripening in the pungent smoke of burning wood and dried dung.

Bowdoin came, at noon, the clerk was still away; and the old gentleman, who had been merry all day, looked suddenly grave and waited. At one Jamie came in, hurrying. "I hoped you would have taken a holiday to-day," said Mr. Bowdoin. "I have come down to close the books," replied Jamie, not sharply. Mr. Bowdoin looked at him. "Mr. Stanchion could have done that. Stanchion!"

"'Monsieur, said the man, 'you must take care to saw through the iron low enough to get your body through. "'I will get through, never fear, said the prisoner. "'But high enough to leave a stanchion to fasten a cord to, the warder went on. "'And where is the cord? asked Beauvoir. "'Here, said the man, throwing down a knotted rope.

One of them took the hand that clung to the stanchion in both of his, and pulled back the fingers one by one, saying, "Easy now, Lieutenant easy." The ragged palms and the sea and blockhouse were swallowed up in a black fog, and his body touched the canvas cot again with a sense of home-coming and relief and rest. He wondered how he could have cared to escape from it.

The Second-in-Command leaned against a stanchion and wiped his face with his handkerchief. A minute passed, and a dull concussion shook the boat from stem to stern. Von Sperrgebiet showed his dog-tooth in that terrible mirthless smile of his. "A hit, my little Ludwig!" he said. The Second-in-Command clicked his heels together. "For the honour of the Fatherland," he said. "Gott strafe England!"

"Avast there!" cried the captain, and as though to punctuate his remark he swung the heavy stick he usually carried full upon the back of Billy's head. It was that blow that saved the mate's life, for when Billy came to he found himself in a dark and smelly hole, chained and padlocked to a heavy stanchion.

His first impulse was to raise his hands to his aching head, but he could not do this on account of two iron bands that held his wrists to a stanchion. His legs, too, he next became vaguely aware, were fastened by a similar contrivance to the deck.

"At the same moment, the atmosphere lightened up with a whitish blue light somewhat like pale moonshine and Mr Stanchion shouted out at the top of his voice, louder than we ever dreamt he could speak `Hard a-starboard! Down with the helm for your life!

We got a log chain and the biggest pair of handcuffs in our stock and we ironed McFluke by the ankles to a stanchion in the middle of the warehouse. Besides that his hands was handcuffed, and no matter how he stretched he couldn't reach nothing. We seen to that." "But, my Gawd, hownell did they have time to file through that log chain or them cuffs?