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"I don't see the use of fussing about it," proclaimed Laureston Grey, who was the richest and sprucest of the three sons-in-law. "Why can't we let well enough alone?" "Because it isn't well enough," Evelyn replied. "I want the real thing or nothing. I go to church once a month, to please mother. It doesn't do me any good. And I don't see what good it does you and Lucy to go every Sunday.

Crewe's sprucest employees was taking up the invitation cards like tickets, a precaution to prevent the rowdy element from Ripton coming and eating up the refreshments.

And so for the present the Parakeet lay to, rolling outside the entrance, flying a pilot jack, and waiting developments. Captain Kettle might have his disquieting thoughts, still outwardly he was cool. But Mr. Hugh Wenlock was on deck in the sprucest of his apparel, and was visibly anxious and fidgety, as befitted a man who shortly expected to enter into the bonds of matrimony.

"I don't see the use of fussing about it," proclaimed Laureston Grey, who was the richest and sprucest of the three sons-in-law. "Why can't we let well enough alone?" "Because it isn't well enough," Evelyn replied. "I want the real thing or nothing. I go to church once a month, to please mother. It doesn't do me any good. And I don't see what good it does you and Lucy to go every Sunday.

"I don't see the use of fussing about it," proclaimed Laureston Grey, who was the richest and sprucest of the three sons-in-law. "Why can't we let well enough alone?" "Because it isn't well enough," Evelyn replied. "I want the real thing or nothing. I go to church once a month, to please mother. It doesn't do me any good. And I don't see what good it does you and Lucy to go every Sunday.

Crewe's sprucest employees was taking up the invitation cards like tickets, a precaution to prevent the rowdy element from Ripton coming and eating up the refreshments.

Crewe's sprucest employees was taking up the invitation cards like tickets, a precaution to prevent the rowdy element from Ripton coming and eating up the refreshments.

Judson is about the sprucest widower in town, though he did seem to take it so hard when poor Mis' Judson was taken." She never overcame the loss of her baby, and the next Summer they put her out in the prairie graveyard beside it. "But Judson now, he's shyin' round Marjie real coltish. "It'd be fine fur her, of course," my driver went on, "an' she was old a-plenty to marry.

He was just returning to sit by his chum when the nattiest, sprucest- looking soldier imaginable, wearing the olive-drab fatigue uniform of the Army and overcoat to match, stepped into the room. "The surgeons have directed me to bring down all the candidates who are through here," the orderly announced.