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The letters of such soldiers as these are the best recruiting-sergeants that can be sent abroad among any people; just as the letters of whining, lugubrious or dissatisfied men, who have gone into war without expecting any of its dangers or discomforts who are satisfied with no fare less luxurious than that served up at Delmonico's or the Maison Dorée, and who protest against any sleeping which is not done upon spring-mattresses strown with rose-leaves, cannot do otherwise than discourage and unnerve the whole immediate community in which they fall.

There was no furniture in it; and beside a tin box, in which clothes were kept, there was nothing but the beds; there were three of them, one against each wall. Athelny followed Philip in and showed them proudly. "That's the stuff to sleep on," he cried. "None of your spring-mattresses and swansdown. I never sleep so soundly anywhere as here. YOU will sleep between sheets.

The shed was cooled by electric fans that was over every "shoot"; The pens was of polished ma-ho-gany, and ev'rything else to suit; The huts was fixed with spring-mattresses, and the tucker was simply grand, And every night by the biller-bong we darnced to a German band. "Chorus, boys!"

They would just be about "turnin' in" at the Union, and Jim, laying himself down on the pallet next to his, would be making the time-honoured joke about the absence of spring-mattresses and feather-beds, with which he was usually wont to regale the other inmates at this hour. As Giles turned down the spotless lavender-scented sheets he thought longingly of the workhouse twill.