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They lay asleep against the ranges in a slow-going world of their own, their little houses gleaming white in the fading light. There was a flush on the old woman's face as she turned houseward also an afterglow. 'Twas a fitting nook for her present days, the decline of those splendidly vigorous years behind!

"You know how fond I am of watching the stars, and the Tistar-star rose so splendidly to-night, that I left the wine to watch it. The nightingales were singing so loudly to one another, that if I had not wished to hear them I must have stopped my ears." "You kept them wide open, however," said Araspes laughing. "Your enraptured exclamation proved that."

"Everything great is formative," and this Pope was colossal a colossal bully and robber if you like but the good he did by his patronage was real good, was practical. Michael Angelo and Raphael could work as splendidly as they desired. Erasmus was helped and encouraged.

Sybil, utterly and splendidly glorious!" said her brother, his eyes sweeping the picture below. "And you too, Sybil," he said, turning his eyes upon her. "This country has done you well. By jove, what a transformation from the white-faced, willowy " "Weedy," said she. "Well, as it's no longer true, weedy woman that faded out of London, how many eight years ago!"

It is the headquarters of Lloyds the immense association of underwriters, brokers, and shipping-men, which, beginning with the customers at Edward Lloyd's coffee-house in the latter part of the seventeenth century, has, retaining his name for a title, developed into a corporation so well equipped, so splendidly organized and powerful, that kings and ministers of state appeal to it at times for foreign news.

A second scream, more piercing than the first, now sounded. "Oh, sir!" cried Olivain, "the rope which holds the ferryboat has broken and the boat is drifting. But what do I see in the water something struggling?" "Oh, yes," exclaimed Raoul, fixing his glance on one point in the stream, splendidly illumined by the setting sun, "a horse, a rider!" "They are sinking!" cried Olivain in his turn.

Behind him the ground rose, in an apparently unbroken ascent, to a hill, which he judged to be some three or four miles away. “This would be a grand place for a hut,” he said to himself. “Of course we could not put it on the rock, for we might be swept away by a sudden flood, and besides there would be no shade. But just inside the edge of trees we should do splendidly.”

The tall, fair English youth, six foot two, and splendidly developed, the pink of health, modesty, and kindly courtesy, was different from all other beings that had ever swum into her view.

You have tried it with a desperate sincerity for three years and it's a failure. You have fought splendidly to vindicate the whole monstrous travesty, but it can't be vindicated. It was doomed by every law of nature from the start. We have now not only the right but the duty to rectify it, and to rectify it together. You must divorce him." "Divorce him!"

And he seemed to be one with us in other respects." He paused a moment, looked keenly into her face, and then said, gravely and simply: "We looked upon him as a deeply religious man. My mother could not say enough of his influence on the estate. He took a large men's class on Sundays. He was a regular communicant; he helped our clergyman splendidly.