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"No," replied Ceddie. "And I think when a boy is going to be one, he ought to know. Don't you?" "Well yes," answered Mr. Havisham. "Would you mind," said Ceddie respectfully "would you mind 'splaining it to me?" "A king or queen, in the first place," said Mr. Havisham. "Generally, he is made an earl because he has done some service to his sovereign, or some great deed."

Little May Waters dropped at the feet of Charlie as he was busily "'splaining." He gallantly picked her up and tried to comfort her, and various members of the club rushed to the rescue of other ladies. It was concluded now to adjourn the "pammerrammer." "Man down in the yard!" called out Wort, who was "sentinel" when he had nothing else to do. Wort looked over the edge of the window-sill.

I know it is, the way you look! Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I'm 'fraid! It's a secret, and I promised not to tell. Mena was 'splaining all about you to Dad, and I heard and now she'll be so cross at me if she knows I told! Please, please Jack, promise you won't tell her I told you!" Lennon put a comforting arm about the shoulders of the panic-stricken girl. "You dear little frightened bird!

On the present occasion Mr. Jack was just there, in the middle of the crowd, smiling and friendly. He took Bim's hand, and, "Of course," Bim said, "there didn't have to be any 'splaining. He knew what I wanted."