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But there! arter all, he's gettin' on in years, an' she's ever so much younger than he is, an' I dessay he's made up his mind to treat 'er kind like, as 'twere her father, which he should do, bein' spiritooal 'ead o' the village, an' as for the pretty face of 'er, he's not the man to look at it more'n once, an' then he couldn't tell you wot it's like.

It struck me that if this was Franklin a spiritooal life hadn't improved the old gentleman's intellecks particly. The audiens was mostly composed of rayther pale peple, whose eyes I tho't rolled round in a somewhat wild manner. But they was well-behaved, and the females kept saying, "How beautiful! What a surblime thing it is," et cetry, et cetry.

"If it was the boy," says he, "and I can't say as I see any reason especial why it shouldn't have been, I've been wondering what his spiritooal condition was.

I'd like to know what become of him. Some says he was killed, others allow that he got away. I've heerd tell that he was originally some kind of Methodist preacher! a kind o' saint that got a sort o' spiritooal holt on the old squaws and children." "Why don't you ask old Skeesicks? I see he's back here ag'in and grubbin' along at a dollar a day on tailin's. He's been somewhere up north, they say."

If they didn't have him to speak in the prayer-meetin's, an' give the Lord some information about the spiritooal state of this town on foreign missions, an' encourage Him by admittin' He'd done pretty well, as far as He's gone, why, we couldn't have no prayer-meetin's at all." Most of us have our personal grievances, as a vantage-point for eloquence in behalf of the mass.