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Francis Spira can tell thee what it is to stay till the gate of mercy be quite shut. It becomes an interesting inquiry as to who Bunyan means by the 'some' of whom he says, 'that the day of grace is past before their life is ended. This cannot refer to those who, neglecting the Saviour, are in a perishing condition.

At length by accident, I cast my eye on two books, that lay on the mantle-piece before me: Baxter's Call to the Unconverted, and the History of Francis Spira: two of the most terrific productions, to such a mind at such a moment, that ever the ravings of fanaticism sent forth. The impulse was irresistible; I opened them, read, and all the horrors of hell came upon me. I was a backslider!

They were brought me on Thursday; but neither my few guineas with them, nor any of my books, except a Drexelius on Eternity, the good old Practice of Piety, and a Francis Spira. My brother's wit, I suppose. He thinks he does well to point out death and despair to me. I wish for the one, and every now-and-then am on the brink of the other.

No books but a Spira, a Drexelius, and a Practice of Piety! Those who sent the latter ought to have kept it for themselves But I must hurry myself from this subject. You have exceedingly alarmed me by what you hint of his attempt to get one of my letters. I am sorry to tell you, that I have reason to think, that your brother has not laid aside his foolish plot.

He heard the voice, looked up, saw her, recognised me with a start of glad surprise, and at once ran his boat ashore, and joined us. Spira, after four days' separation, did not know how to make enough of him. He seemed in his lordly manner truly glad to see her again, and asked with much earnestness after his boy.

After supper we held a little council as to next day's movements, and my spirits were further raised by Mr Popham's proposing that we should start at five in the morning, so as to get to Laurie by noon. The indefatigable Spira begged to be our guide; all was settled, and I went to bed in a small adjoining room, feeling almost happy.

About this time, I did light on that dreadful story of that miserable mortal, Francis Spira; a book that was to my troubled spirit as salt, when rubbed into a fresh wound; every sentence in that book, every groan of that man, with all the rest of his actions in his dolours, as his tears, his prayers, his gnashing of teeth, his wringing of hands, his twining and twisting, languishing and pining away under that mighty hand of God that was upon him, was as knives and daggers in my soul; especially that sentence of his was frightful to me, Man knows the beginning of sin, but who bounds the issues thereof?

David also, to an awful extent, and Peter to the denial of his Lord. No, he may mean those who, while neglecting the Saviour, are overtaken by madness, or more probably to such as Judas, Spira, and others who sell their Master, or renounce him.

Testa perforata, depresso-convexa, laevigata, nitidiuscula, pallide cornea, basi subcompressa; anfractus 6, planiusculi; spira obtusa; apertura lunaris; peristoma rectum, simplex, margine columellari reflexo: umbilicus minutus, subobtectus. Diam. maj. 8 min. 7 alt. 5 mill.

I acted on the kind suggestion, and Spira was thankful to accept my offer; as by the time she had driven her mule to our door it rained in torrents. The Montenegrin standard of cleanliness being very low, I gave them an unoccupied room on the ground floor, and carried some food to them there.