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I studied how I could break the glass and not spill the whisky, and begged and plead with the men to have mercy on me. I got out into the woods four or five miles from Rushville, and wandered about in the snow, but all around and above me were the universal and eternal voices threatening me. A thousand visions came and went; a thousand tortures consumed me; a thousand hopes sustained me.

"What's up, Kirby?" asked Wild Rose. "You had a spill." "Took the dust, did I?" He sensed the disappointment in her voice. "You rode fine. He jammed you into the fence," explained the young man. The doctor examined her. The right arm hung limp. "Broken, I'm afraid," he said. "Ever see such luck?" the girl complained to Lane. "Probably they won't let me ride in the wild-horse race now."

Placing one of his tremendous paws on the back of the boy's head, with the other he thrust the edge of the glass to his lips, swearing at the same time, that if he shook it so as to spill its contents the consequences would be of a nature by no means agreeable to his back and shoulders.

The landlord, in an ague of terror, clutched the air and stammered: "M-M-Monseigneur, for the love of Christ! not in my house! do not spill blood it will ruin my custom " The look of the marquis, threatening him, paralyzed his tongue. "Coward," cried the lord of Beaupertuys, "cease chattering your teeth long enough to give the word for us, if you can." Mine host's knees smote the floor.

The condition was made with One, and also accomplished by Him alone, and not by several; yet in the nature, and for the everlasting deliverance of many; even by one man Jesus Christ, as it is clear from Romans 5:15-17, etc., and in Zechariah 9:11, the Lord saith to Christ, "And as for Thee" mark, "As for Thee also, by the blood of Thy covenant," or as for Thee whose covenant was by blood; that is, the condition of the covenant was, that Thou shouldst spill Thy blood; which having been done in the account of God, saith He, I according to My condition have let go the prisoners, or sent them "out of the pit wherein is no water."

We should be wary therefore what persecution we raise against the living labours of public men, how we spill that seasoned life of man, preserved and stored up in books; since we see a kind of homicide may be thus committed, sometimes a martyrdom, and if it extend to the whole impression, a kind of massacre; whereof the execution ends not in the slaying of an elemental life, but strikes at that ethereal and fifth essence, the breath of reason itself, slays an immortality rather than a life.

"Would you like me to be a kitten?" She raised herself on her knees and propped her right hand behind her on the rug for support. She was looking earnestly into his eyes. "If you'd like to be," he replied. "Hold your hand," she commanded. She poured the beads into his immense, hard palm. "Don't spill them." She turned about on the rug on hands and knees, and crept away to the middle of the floor.

"From Toul, sir," with the quick smile revealing dazzling teeth. "Matters progress?" "It is quiet there." "So I understand," nodded Recklow. "There's blood on your uniform." "A scratch a spill from my motor-cycle." Recklow eyed the cut on the officer's handsome face. One of the young officer's hands was bandaged, too. "You've been in action, Captain." "No, sir." "You wear German shoes."

The horse apparently shunned any near proximity to the fire, and performed prodigious efforts to escape. "He'll be ridin' an avalanche pretty soon," muttered Slone. Long sheets of sand and gravel slid down to spill thinly over the low bank.

"Ahem!" ejaculated Solly, at last, "if you are really afraid, Lina, I suppose we'd better go ashore!" Lina clapped her hands. "O, do! do! do!" "Yes, indeed," said Dotty; "and, Solly, don't you bump too hard against the shore, 'cause 'twould spill us out." It was very easy to talk about touching the shore: all the difficulty lay in being able to do it.