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That's Hallet's Cove, Miss Rose, and a pretty anchorage it would be for us, if the wind and tide didn't sarve to take us through the Gate." "Are we near the Gate, Capt. Spike?" asked Rose, the fine bloom on her cheek lessening a little, under the apprehension that formidable name is apt to awaken in the breasts of the inexperienced. "Half a mile, or so.

Indeed, if cut when the first flowers at the base of the spike open, it will continue to develop the buds above until all have become flowers, if the water in which the stalks are placed is changed daily, and a bit of the end of the stalk is cut off each time. For church use no flower excels it except the Lily, and that we can have for only a short time, and quite often not at all.

He was sentenced by the Parliament to be hanged on a gallows thirty feet high, to have his head set on a spike in Edinburgh, and his limbs distributed in other places, according to the old barbarous manner. He said he had always acted under the Royal orders, and only wished he had limbs enough to be distributed through Christendom, that it might be the more widely known how loyal he had been.

The name was 'Hoppergrass. We thought there must be some funny business, a boat with two names, like that." "That's why the Captain had the crier call it the Hannah Pettingell," I reflected. "Well, we knew we were on the wrong boat," said Spike, "because Captain Bill Prendergast's is the 'Clara'." "B-B-But what could we d-d-d-do? We didn't d-dare to go b-back.

"Then I: If thou not hear me, I shall die, Yea, in my desperate mood may lift my hand And do myself a hurt no leach can mend; For poets ever were of dark resolve, And swift stern deed "That maiden heard no more, But spike: Alas! my heart is very weak, And but for Stay!

"Rats!" remarked Spike. But he shifted the course, just the same. We drew away from the strange yacht for about three minutes, and then, "Sh-She's c-coming about!" shouted Spook. She certainly was coming about. In a few seconds she was headed for us once again. "I d-don't know about you f-fellows, b-but I'll never b-be t-taken alive.

I passed a trench of still water that ran as far as the eye could follow it across the flat; it was full from end to end of the beautiful water violet, the pale lilac flowers, with their faint ethereal scent, clustered on the head of a cool emerald spike, with the rich foliage of the plant, like fine green hair, filling the water.

I'd go a long way to see your Four Hundred perform; and moreover, after I had accumulated a precarious balance on an iron spike fence in order to rest one eye on a genuine duke while he fought his way out of a church with one of your leading local beauties, who had just been affixed to him for life, I would not squint pityingly on the heaving mass of spectators and hiss: "We don't do this in Homeburg."

For a moment, Spike looked wistful. Then his countenance resumed its woodenness. "Dere ain't no use for me dis side, Mr. Chames," he said. "New York's de spot. Youse don't want none of me, now you're married. How's Miss Molly, Mr. Chames?" "Splendid, Spike; thanks. We're going over to France by to-night's boat." "It's been a queer business," said Jimmy, after a pause. "A deuced rum business.

So saying, Ravenslee turned away, but, as he closed the door, his quick ear detected the clink of glass, and turning, he saw Spike draw a small flask from his pocket. "Give me that stuff, old fellow." "Oh, you can't con me! I ain't a kid, so you lemme alone!" and Spike raised the flask to his lips, but in that instant it was snatched away.