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A long line of railroad presidents and superintendents had come to the depot to see him off, and tipped their hats as he glided out into the open air. The car was an improvement on Pullman's best. Three golden goblets stood at the end, and every time he turned the spigot of the water cask, it foamed soda-water vanilla if you turned it one way, strawberry if you turned it the other.

The spigot of speech, rarely fully opened, could never emit more than driblets of the ever renewed hogshead of thought noch grosser wie's Heidelberger Fass. We find it hard to believe that other people's thoughts are as silly as our own, but they probably are.

In three of them it was estimated that two hundred thousand people had left Manhattan. It would have been physically impossible for the transportation lines to have carried a thousand more. They had reached their capacity; the spigot was wide open. Percy Darrow showed Jack the head-lines to this effect. "Cheerful thought," he suggested.

Leave the bung open for the Air to come in, upon a superficies, all along the barrel, to hinder it from fermenting; but not so large a superficies as to endanger dying, by the airs depredating too many spirits from it. After twenty four hours draw of it, to see if it be clear, by the settling of all dregs, above which your spigot must be.

"I'm a-savin' of us from the wrath to come!" returned the woman, sternly, and swung her axe again. The spigot flew from the whiskey barrel in the corner and the next blow of the axe knocked in the head of the barrel. The acrid smell of liquor filled the place. Not a bottle of liquor was left. The barroom of the Lake View Inn promised to be the driest place in town. Up went the axe again.

Seeing the water was fast climbing up to where it would reach Zip's mouth, and knowing it would drown him, the doctor turned off the spigot. The children had never thought that the poor dog could not move his head to keep out of the water.

When he got a letter in her handwriting among his heap he used to throw it aside till he'd torn open the others." Drabdump. You may sit down." SPIGOT, Q.C.: "One moment, Mrs. Drabdump. You say the prisoner had ceased to care for Miss Dymond. Might not this have been in consequence of his suspecting for some time that she had relations with Mr. Constant?" The JUDGE: "That is not a fair question."

Mother said I wasn't to!" "Well, perhaps it will be as well for me to do that," said Mrs. Golden, with a smile. "That spigot is sometimes hard to close." "And I'm not to dip up any more flour," added Bunny. "Yes, I suppose it will be as well for me to do that, too," said the storekeeper. "But since you like to help me tend store there are many other things you can do."

You find good businessmen who save all the old envelopes and scraps, and would not tear a new sheet of paper, if they could avoid it, for the world. This is an illustration of Dr. Franklin's "saving at the spigot and wasting at the bung-hole;" "penny wise and pound foolish."

They were chartered by a company and fitted with copper tanks which were filled from springs near Sausalito. On this side of the bay the water was transferred to wagons like those now used for street sprinkling and the precious fluid was supplied to householders at a remunerative rate of twenty-five cents a pail, every family having one or two hogsheads fitted with a spigot to hold the supply.