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Why didn't you tell us that before?" Gloria seemed the most surprised, as well as the most amused, although we were all astonished. "Not tell you before? Oh do you remember Abraham in the Bible yes? She has been my best spy now and then. As Kagig's wife what good would she be?" Yet, had I not married her, I should have lost the services of most of my best spies Gregor Jhaere for one.

I go to town to-morrow; I will find him a house, that shall be safe from all spies, all discovery. And there, too, my friend. I can do what I cannot at this distance, watch over him, and keep watch also on his enemy."

Priests who had escaped from England were labouring with success in the Scottish mission-fields; a few Jesuits had arrived from the Continent, and France, Spain, and the Pope were in correspondence regarding the assistance that might be given to James and his mother. But the spies of Elizabeth soon obtained knowledge of what was in contemplation.

"Two of my prisoners, sir," said the lieutenant, stepping forward and saluting. "Your prisoners, sir? Do you mean that they are spies whom you have captured in Berlin?" "No, sir. They came with the last trainload of prisoners." "Then, why are they not with the others?" demanded General Strauss sternly. "Why, sir," stammered the lieutenant, "I I "

To have talked with me, or warned me, or let me enter his house, would have been fatal. His only resource lay in thrashing me off his premises as you have seen. How he will explain matters to the spies I know not, but I can trust him for that." "Das most awrful clebber!" exclaimed Ebony, his every feature broadening with delight at the success of the ruse. "But what are we to do now?" asked Mark.

"Spies!" Zimby exclaimed. "What do we do now?" piped up Mack Avery, the third man in Bud's crew. "Hadn't we better radio the Coast Guard and the FBI?" Bud wrenched away from the eyepiece. "I have another idea! Any of you fellows game to go with me and capture those spies?" All three of his companions volunteered eagerly. Bud chose Mel Flagler, then took another sight through the periscope.

By this time the war-fever is raging among them, and rumours of the preparations of the enemy are circulating. Spies or scouts may be sent out to seek information about the enemy; but usually such information is sought from the liver of a pig with the customary ceremony. A sharp ridge on the liver dividing their own region from that of the enemy is unfavourable, a low soft ridge is favourable.

He could still move mountains, although he had no tools with which to move them, and the younger officers, mere boys many of them, would come back to them again and again for encouragement. Spies had brought word that Grant, after nine months of waiting, and with Sheridan and a huge cavalry force on his flank, was about to make his great attack.

But when you speak of spies, I begin to put two and two together your business in Cairo the powers that be, keeping you from me last night, etc. I suppose it's an official job, this fancy dress affair?" "Yes. In my own capacity, I'm not in Cairo.

The spies who kept watch on De Aldithely castle were four in number, and were hired by Sir Thomas De Lany, who had been commissioned by the king to capture Josceline in any manner that he could. It chanced that there was but one of them on duty in the wood that morning a certain short, stalky little fellow whose name was Walter Skinner, and who was fond of speaking of himself as a king's man.