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MacLear, we may even now look to God for what we ought to say, as confidently as if, like the early Christians, we stood accused before the magistrates?" "I div that, Maister Jeames!" answered the soutar. "Hide yersel in God, sir, and oot o' that secret place, secret and safe, speyk and fear naething. And never ye mint at speykin doon to your congregation.

"If we had time, Benjamin," said Lambert van Mounen in English, "I should like to take you to the City Hall, or Stadhuis. There are building piles for you! It is built on nearly fourteen thousand of them, driven seventy feet into the ground. But what I wish you to see there is the big picture of Van Speyk blowing up his ship great picture." "Van WHO?" asked Ben. "Van Speyk. Don't you remember?

'But hoo's that to be dune? said Robert. 'I dinna ken. But I hae been watchin' to see you ever sin' syne. I hae seen ye gang by mony a time. Ye're the only man I ken 'at I could speyk till aboot it. Ye maun think what ye can do. The warst o' 't is I canna tell wha she is or whaur she bides. 'In that case, I canna see what's to be dune.

The schoolmaster burst out laughing at him. "I'm feart to speyk, sir," said Malcolm. "Whatever I say, I'm bun' to mak a fule o' mysel'! What in plain words div ye mean, sir?" "Somebody has been accusing me of teaching heresy in the school to my scholars, and in my own house to the fisherfolk: the presbytery has taken it up, and here is my summons to appear before them and answer to the charge."

'I s' warran' he cares as little aboot hiz as we care aboot him. There's nae treason noo a-days. I carena wha hears what I say. 'For my pairt, said Mr. Peddie, 'I canna help wonnerin' gin it cud be oor auld frien' Mr. Faukener. 'Speyk o' the de'il said Mr. Lammie. 'Hoot! na, returned Peddie, interrupting. 'He wasna a'thegither the de'il. 'Haud the tongue o' ye, retorted Lammie.

Onygait, she disna fleg me. 'I left some guid eneuch claes there whan I gaed awa, and I daursay they're i' my room yet gien only I kenned hoo to win at them! 'I s' gang and get them til ye the verra day ye're fit to rise. But ye maunna speyk a word mair the nicht. They held a long consultation that night as to what they must do.

Gin yer mother had lived, I wad hae had mair houp, I confess, for she was a braw leddy and a bonny, and that sweet-tongued! She cud hae wiled a maukin frae its lair wi' her bonnie Hielan' speech. Nae mair cud yer father hoot! yer gran'father, I mean though his father cud speyk it weel.

The animal gave an eager snort, settled on her feet, and began snuffing about him. He made haste, for, if her eagerness should turn to impatience, she would do her endeavour to bite him. After crunching three or four lumps, she stood pretty quiet, and Malcolm must make the best of what time she would give him. "Noo, Lizzy!" he said hurriedly. "Speyk while ye can."

"If you tell them who papa is," said Florimel, "they won't do us any harm, surely!" "I 'm nane sae sure o' that. Jist stan' ye back, my lord an' my leddy, an' dinna speyk a word. I s' sattle them. They're sic villains, there nae terms to be hauden wi' them."

All its days his daisies have been coming and going, and they are not old yet, nor have worn out yet their lovely garments, though they patch and darn just as little as they toil and spin. "Can ye read, cratur?" asked Donal. Gibbie shook his head. "Canna ye speyk, man?" Again Gibbie shook his head. "Can ye hear?" Gibbie burst out laughing. He knew that he heard better than other people.