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After all, this was a perfectly normal performance. Just an ordinary bit of business for the cops. Sergeant Madden belched when the squad ship came out of overdrive. He watched with seeming indifference while Patrolman Willis took a spectro on the star ahead and to the left, and painstakingly compared the reading with the ancient survey-data on the Procyron system.

And as I regarded him with fascinated horror, there came upon his heavy gray face a look of dawning comprehension. And I heard Snap's startled intake of breath. He moved to the spectro, where the zed-ray connections were still humming. But, with a leap, Miko flung him away. "Off with you! Moa, watch him! Haljan, don't move!" Again Miko stood staring. I saw now that he was staring at Anita!

Our mirror grid gave the magnified images; the spectro, with its wave length selection, pictured the mountain levels and slowly descended into the deepest seas. There was nothing. Yet in those Moon caverns a million million recesses amid the crags of that tumbled, barren surface the pin point of movement which might have been Grantline's expedition could so easily be hiding!

I prayed so. There was a thumbnail mirror here which would bring an answer. Would some Earth telescope be able to see us? I doubted it. The pinpoint of the Planetara's infinitesimal bulk would be beyond vision. Long silences, broken only by the faint hiss and murmur of Snap's instruments. "Shall I try the graphs, Miko?" "Yes." I helped him with the spectro.