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The celestial Ministry of Medicine is composed of three main divisions comprising: the Ancestral Gods of the Chinese race; the King of Remedies, Yao Wang; and the Specialists. There is a separate Ministry of Smallpox. This latter controls and cures smallpox, and the establishment of a separate celestial Ministry is significant of the prevalence and importance of the affliction.

The necessity for this collocation was advocated quite as earnestly, and even more directly, by another worker of this period, whose studies were allied to those of alienists, and who, even more actively than they, focalized his attention upon the brain and its functions. This earliest of specialists in brain studies was a German by birth but Parisian by adoption, Dr.

Walls all decorated with horsehair bridles scores of them hundreds of them. They're no use to me, and they cost like Sam Scratch. But there's a lot of convicts making them, and I go on buying. Why, I've spent more money in a single night on whiskey than would get the best specialists and pay all the expenses of a dozen cases like your brother's. And remember, you've got nothing to do with this.

"But, my dear friend," said Constance to Valentine, "didn't our good Doctor Boutan tell you that all the trouble came from your not nursing your children yourself? At all events, that was the compliment that he paid me." At the mention of Boutan a friendly shout arose. Oh! Boutan, Boutan! he was like all other specialists.

Thus he may become aware of the universe which the spiritual artist is always trying to disclose to the race. This amount of mystical perception this "ordinary contemplation," as the specialists call it is possible to all men: without it, they are not wholly conscious, nor wholly alive.

I proved to be the subject of a long catalogue of diseases, and what maladies I was not manifestly guilty of I was at least suspected of harboring. I was handed along all the way from alopecia, which used to be called baldness, to zoster, which used to be known as shingles. I was the patient of more than a dozen specialists.

"Exactly what do you want to say to me, Sir Everard?" she asked harshly. "I wish to say this," Dominey replied, "that I am determined to bring about my wife's restoration to health. For that reason I am going to have specialists down here, and above all things to change for a time her place of residence.

It will be shown that this disagreement fortunately has but small influence upon our problem and that therefore we are relieved of the difficult task of reaching a conclusion and of bringing historical proof for a decision which experienced specialistsof whom I am not onehave so signally failed to reach.

The wild cat supports itself and the tabby cat has its million. So the tabby cat has to be doctored by specialists. If the burden were lifted from most of us we would go to wreck. Necessity is the ballast in our life voyage. When you hear the orator speak and you note the ease and power of his work, do you think of the years of struggle he spent in preparing?

It was known nevertheless that some reduction from this maximum fighting force was to take place. One hundred men of the Battalion, including 'specialists' like Lewis gunners, signallers and runners, were henceforward 'left out of the line' whenever the Battalion went forward to take part in an attack.