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Them chairs an' things," jerking his pipe toward them, "was hers mine, that is to say, speakin' straight, and man to man." He sat down, puffing meditatively at his pipe, and presently, "Well," he continued, "'ere I am agin, ol' Bob Ford, dead an' done for gone down in the Mooltan. On'y I ain't done for, see?" And he pointed the stem of his pipe at Simmons's waistcoat.

'Ca'se likewise an' furthermo' I also is been off my feed ain't that a sign to you?" "Sign of a tapeworm, I 'spects." "Don't say that, please, Ma'am," he humbly pleaded. "You speakin' in sich a way meks me 'most discouraged to confide in you whut I aims to confide in you. I'm tellin' it to you the fust one, too. 'Tain't nary 'nother soul heared it.

And so it went on, sad things put me in mind of him and joyful things, all, all speakin' of him, and how, how wuz I to brook the separation? But I will cease to harrow the reader's tender bosom. Dry your tears, reader, I will proceed onwards. The next day we sot off for California, via Salt Lake and Denver.

I got them young ones pretty well passeled out among the hired help, and they ain't enjyin' them so much as I am. First thing I know the hull cahoots of 'em'll leave, though speakin' for a few of 'em it wouldn't cause me to go to an early grave to be shet of some of 'em." "I must be off. I'll think it over and let you know what I've figured out for you." "Well, hurry up about it.

We knows you, sir; and we've seen what you can do we've took your measure, sir if you'll forgive the liberty of my plain speakin' and we're all agreed as you're a prime seaman one o' the best as I've ever sailed under and I'd a precious sight sooner see you in command than what I would a stranger. And, if I ain't mistook, that's the feelin' with all hands of us. Am I right, mates, or ain't I?"

Speakin' gen'ral, an' not allowin' for them inflooences which disturbs none I adverts to mescal an' monte, an' sech abnormalities he's passive an' easy; no more harm into him than a jack rabbit. "Of course he has his moods to be merry, an' mebby thar's hours when he's gay to the p'int of over-play. But his heart's as straight as a rifle bar'l every time.

'I want to talk about the stars and the space as they're floatin' in. 'Has space ever knocked yer silly? I sez. 'Yes, he sez, 'in a manner o' speakin' it has. 'No, I sez, 'it hasn't, because if it had you wouldn't want to talk about it. Well, there was no stoppin' 'im, and at last he gets it out that space is just a way we have o' lookin' at things.

"And all valets," murmured Anthony, "all valets are predatory by nature, of course " "I mean as he's a likely cove. Now, talkin' o' corpses " began Mr. Shrig. "But we are not!" said I. "Axing your parding, sir, but I am and, perfessionally speakin', never 'ave I seen a prettier corp', than this 'ere young fe-male in question " "And your experience in such is vast, I take it?" murmured Anthony.

I've a notion it may be an offer to buy your clearin', for I've heerd two or three fellows speakin' about it. Now, as I want to buy it myself, if yer disposed to sell it, I hereby make you the first offer." Jack Robinson continued to smoke in silence, gazing abstractedly at the letter.