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There was but one course now open. I most humbly apologized for my blunder; repeated by every expression I could summon up, my sorrow for what had happened; and was beginning a renewal of negotiation "in re Sparks," when, overcome by his passion, Mr. Blake could hear no more, but snatched up his hat and left the room.

Sparks amused himself after his own fashion, which was to sit comfortably, with his feet up on the piazza rail of the hotel, imbibing strong iced drinks through straws. But in reality Jacqueline had no power whatever to preserve propriety, and only compromised herself by her associations, though her own conduct was irreproachable.

Skilled as a maker and repairer of locks, he was particularly celebrated for his dexterity in opening them, when it was necessary to do so in cases of emergency. Like many men of talent in other departments, Amos Sparks was poor. Though a very industrious and prudent man, with a small and frugal family, he merely obtained a comfortable subsistence, but he never seemed to accumulate property.

And in the same instant a stunning blow hit him straight in the forehead, a shower of sparks danced before his eyes, and then Shag saw and heard no more. A convulsive quiver ran through his body, then he stretched out his neck on the bloody grass, heaved a sigh, and died. Lady Clare, seeing Shag killed by the blow which had been intended for herself, felt her blood run cold.

As the country for the most part was uninhabited, the fire had swept the plains for miles before the fighters reached it. Sparks and flames had jumped the creek, but by now the grass was burned back far enough on both sides so that the danger for this region was past. The amused natives told how a man had jolted up on a stiff horse, a painting outfit in his saddlebag, to watch the fire.

Her cheeks burned with shame, but her eyes flashed passion. 'If I were a lady, she cried, her voice low but intense, 'you would not dare to insult me. 'If you were a lady, he retorted with easy insolence, 'I would kiss you and make you my wife, my dear. In the meantime, and as you are not give up nursing young sparks and go home to your mother.

He watched her closely and shrewdly. Came the little wrinkle again, but this time urged in perplexity. "A hundred francs, for something I was sent to tell you?" "And now refuse." "It is very generous. She has a heart of flint, Monsieur." "Well I know it. Perhaps now I have one of steel." "Many sparks do not make a fire. Do you know that your French is very good?"

By night, except for the bright oases of the Indian Exhibition, the view is little more than a black blank, a great inky plain with faint sparks and rows of light here and there, as though the world had been made of saltpetre paper, and had lately been set fire to. Were you a traveller from Mars you would say that the world was very badly lighted.

E.L. Bogart, Economic History of the United States , and various later editions, is the best single volume; E.E. Sparks, National Development , is useful. On the South, consult articles by St. VI; M.B. Hammond, Cotton Industry . R.P. Porter, West from the Census of 1880 , is a useful compendium.

But in this they were doomed to sad disappointment. Their punk-wood tinder had been so dampened by the snow sifting into their coat-pockets, where they had deposited it, that it could not be made to catch the sparks of the smitten steel.