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Take an old man's advice, youth, one who hath seen many days, and sat in higher places than thou canst hope for bend thy sword into a pruning-hook, and make a dibble of thy dagger thy days shall be the longer, and thy health the better for it, and come to aid me in my garden, and I will teach thee the real French fashion of imping, which the Southron call graffing.

In a few minutes he returned, and repeated to the Southron commanders the words of Wallace: "Go," said he, "tell your masters we came not here to treat for a pardon of what we shall never allow to be an offense; we came to assert our rights-to set Scotland free. Till that is effected, all negotiation is vain. Let them advance; they will find us prepared."

One advanced toward Murray, whom he instantly recognized to be Sir Roger Kirkpatrick of Torthorald. The chiefs saluted each other; and Lord Andrew pointed to his men: "I have brought," said he, "these few brave fellows to the aid of Sir William Wallace. They should have been more, but for new events of Southron outrage. Yet I am impatient to lead them to the presence of my uncle's preserver."

"And if I say he comes of the blood of Avenel by the father's side," replied Magdalen Graeme, "name I not blood as richly coloured as thine own?" "Of Avenel?" said the Queen; "is my page descended of Avenel?" "Ay, gracious Princess, and the last male heir of that ancient house Julian Avenel was his father, who fell in battle against the Southron."

Wallace, having planted an adequate force in charge of the prisoners, went to the two Southron commanders to pay them the courtesy he thought due to their bravery and rank, before he retired with his victorious followers toward Roslyn Castle. He entered their tent alone. At sight of the warrior who had given them so signal a defeat, the generals rose.

"Then," cried the herald, "thus says Sir William Wallace-if even one hair on the heads of the Earl of Mar and his family falls with violence to the ground, every Southron soul who has this day surrendered to the Scottish arms shall lose his head by the ax." "We are used to the blood of traitors," cried Cressingham, "and mind not its scent.

The acclamation, so cautiously uttered, had scarce died away in silence, when the Knight of the Tomb, or, to call him by his proper name, Sir James Douglas, again addressed his handful of faithful followers. "One effort, my friends, may yet be made to end our strife with the Southron without bloodshed.

Aware that should he continue in the fortress, his troops must assuredly perish, either by insurrection within, or from the enemy without, the Southron commander determined no longer to wait the appearance of a relief which might never arrive; and to stop the internal confusion, be sent a flag of truce to Wallace, accepting and signing his offered terms of capitulation.

The wife of his bosom who had all of angel about her, but that of her mortal body was stabbed by a murderous Southron governor in Scotland, because she would not betray her husband to his desolating brand! I would relate this on my knees, to your royal Edward, and call on the spirit of his sainted queen to enforce my suit, by the memory of her love and her devotedness."

Have the Southron loons chilled thine heart and made thee no leal to thine ain mother that hath hungered for thee?" The angry tones, and her sense of her own shortcomings, could only make Cis burst into tears. "Hush, hush, nurse! thou shalt not chide my new-found bairn. She will learn to ken us better in time if they will leave her with us," said Mary. "There, there; greet not so sair, mine ain.