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I know not nor I wish it not, But if he have a fowle hart't has byn hid long, And cunningly that poyson has byn carried. Vand. But why a father to theis new professions? Why should he strengthen those opinions That all true learning much laments and greives at And sincks the soules sweet union into ruyn?

Published in 1644 under the title Two Treatises, in the One of Which, The Nature of Bodies; in the Other, the Nature of Mans Soule; is Looked into, in Way of Discovery of the Immortality of Reasonable Soules, the book consists of a highly individual survey of the entire realms of metaphysics, physics, and biology.

Him first to love great right and reason is, Who first to us our life and being gave, And after, when we fared had amisse, Us wretches from the second death did save; And last, the food of life, which now we have, Even He Himselfe, in His dear sacrament, To feede our hungry soules, unto us lent.

The next day, being the 9 of August, in the morning so early that it was yet darke, we landed neere the dwelling place of our enemies, and very secretly conueyed our selues through the woods, to that side, where we had their houses betweene vs and the water: and hauing espied their fire, and some sitting about it, we presently set on them: the miserable soules herewith amazed, fled into a place of thicke reedes, growing fast by, where our men perceiuing them, shot one of them through the bodie with a bullet, and therewith we entered the reedes, among which we hoped to acquite their euill doing towards vs, but we were deceiued, for those Sauages were our friends, and were come from Croatoan to gather the corne and fruit of that place, because they vnderstood our enemies were fled immediatly after they had slaine George Howe, and for haste had left all their corne.

Can there be Curses more horrid, incident to earth For its past Sinns, then would depend on you For such a bold presumption as your breatch Of faith would be. Cla. Our tyrant fate has found Yet uninvented torments to expresse Our loyall soules. O, Thurston, thou wert never Not when our mutuall freindships might have taught The constant turtles amity more deare To me then now.

Fer. Dost thou delight To heare it named, villaine, th'hast ravisht her. Hen. I am enough abusd, & now 'tis time To speake a litle for my selfe, my Lord. By all the vowes, the oathes & imprecations That ere were made, studied, or practised, As I have a soule, as she & you have soules, I doe not know, nor can, nor will confesse Any such thing, for all your Circumventions: Ile answer all by Law.

What vapor which the flattring sunn Exhales to heaven as to create a starr, Yet throwst, a fading meteor, to the earth, Has falne like me? Divinity, that tells Us there are soules in women, Ile no more Credit thy dubious Theorems nor thinke Thy lawes astring us to preserve our faith. Enter Lovell. Lov.

He also inuaded Northumberland, and got there great riches by spoile and pillage, which he brought from thence without anie battell offered to him. Wil. Moreouer, he shewed how that such euill women, as well nuns as other, vsed to make awaie in secret wise their children which they bare out of wedlocke, and so filled the graues with dead bodies, and hell with damned soules.

But the sequele thereof hath since awaked out of dreames thousands of soules to knowe their Creator, being thereof before that time altogether ignorant: And hath since made sufficient proofe, neither to be fantasticke nor vainely imagined. Withall, how mightily it hath enlarged the dominions of the Crowne of Spaine, and greatly inriched the subiects of the same, let all men consider.

It is fair to add that she wrote also the "Miroir dune Ame Pecheresse," translated into English by Queen Elizabeth, the title of whose book was "A Godly Medytacyon of the Christian Soules," published by John Bale in 1548. and my Lord also told a good story of Mr.