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Cheerfulness and vivacity were upper-most in the passengers; and the elastic pace of dozens of gaily-dressed soubrettes not a little enhanced the interest of the scene.

A row of soubrettes rollicked in and out again in a flash of bushy skirts. "Say, look at the third one from this end with the black curls all bobbing. I'm for her!" "Where?" "Gone now!" Mr. Kahn leaned across his singing glass, his eye quickened into a wink. "Old man, you can pull that woman-hater stuff on the home folks, but it takes your brother-in-law to lead you to the live ones. Eh?"

Mademoiselle THENARD begins to double her in this line of acting, but in a manner neither more sprightly nor more captivating. Parts of Soubrettes or Chambermaids. Mesdemoiselles DEVIENNE and DESBROSSES.

Many of the young men who displayed their uniforms that evening and called their "Nichevo" along the brilliantly lighted paths of the public gardens, or filled the open-air tables, or drank vodka at the buffets, or admired the figures of the wandering soubrettes, had come here on the eve of their departure for the war and had returned with the same child-like, enchanted smile, the same ideal of futile joy, and kissed their passing comrades as gayly as ever.

Let Paris boast of boulevards where one can sit and drink There is no such chance on Broadway, at the Brower House, 'I don't think. And where else are there fair soubrettes in pipe clayed tennis shoes, And boys in silken sashes promenading by in twos Oh you can boast of any street of which you're proud to know But give me sleepy Broadway Where the Orchids Grow.

Once an exception he had succumbed to the charms of an actress who essayed characters in the dumps Ibsen soubrettes, Strindberg servants, and Máxim Górky tramps. Yet he had, somehow or other, emerged heart whole from his adventures among those masterpieces of the cosmos women. Certainly this might be another romance added to the long list of his sentimental fractures.

"Nothing, further than she seemed to be equally well aware that he could act. But stop, they are commencing again." Slowly, as before, the curtain ascends to a dreamy melody of the piano, and discovers Sylla, attired as the smartest of soubrettes, in close juxtaposition to Lionel Beauchamp in a groom's livery.

They were all there: the stars, the comedians, the lovers, the traitors; nobody was lacking: soubrettes, duennas, coquettes, first walking ladies.

Some were almost ready to start. Exquisite cloaks were being folded about their shoulders by fascinating French soubrettes with little lace caps like dabs of whipped cream. Other willowy creatures were lazy enough to be still in filmy "princess" petticoats and long, weblike, silk corsets ensheathing their figures nearly to their knees.

Mademoiselle CONTAT has not followed the impulse of Nature, who intended her for the characters of soubrettes; but, when she made her debut, there were in that cast of parts three or four women not deficient in merit, and it would have taken her a long time to make her way through them.