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In the morning-time of the dispensation the redeemed of earth were represented as singing praises to Christ; so also the company here brought to view unite in singing a song which only the redeemed can know.

Templeton, with emotion; "it is strange I did not know it. I heard the air in the streets, and it struck me much. I inquired the name of the song and bought it it is very strange!" "What is strange?" "That there is a kind of language in your friend's music and poetry which comes home to me, like words I have heard years ago! Is he young, this Mr. Maltravers?" "Yes, he is still young." "And, and "

"At least thou hast given me a beautiful moving throne," laughed Victoria; "and because thou art taking me on it to my sister, I'm happy to-day as a queen." "Then, if thou art happy, I also am happy," he said. "And when an Arab is happy, his lips would sing the song that is in his heart. Wilt thou be angry or pleased if I sing thee a love-song of the desert?"

We here turn from song as the expression of an instinctive disposition, and the question of what calls forth this expression, to the impression produced by the song on the hearer. Most birds have a call-note or a number of call-notes, which, generally speaking, are specifically distinct.

That long line of dead and wounded, and the mournful song of the wind through the trees, affected the colonels on both sides. More flags of truce were hoisted, and the officers in blue or gray rode forward to meet one another, and to talk together as men who bore no hate in their hearts for gallant enemies.

When the fast chasing cries are in closest tangle, suddenly the hymn pours out its benediction, while the cries have changed to angelic acclaim. Here is the transfigured song in full climactic verse that fulfils the promise of the beginning. When we come to a view of modern music in symphonic design, written in America, we are puzzled by a new phase of the element of nationalism.

His knowledge of the intellectual side of human nature is especially remarkable, but, unlike Shakespeare, Bacon never drops his plummet into the emotional depths of the soul. A Medium of Artistic Expression. No age has surpassed the Elizabethan in lyrical poems, those "short swallow flights of song," as Tennyson defines them.

The Italian, in particular, has very little knowledge of the scientific side; he usually sings by intuition." If this be accepted, that American voices are better trained than those of other countries, and there is no reason to doubt the statement of masters of such standing, it follows there must be competent instructors in the art of song right in our own land. Mme. Easton agrees with this.

So Moses began with the half verse, "I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously," whereupon the people answered, "The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea." And in this wise developed the whole song.

However, there were freethinkers who did not think that Tennyson's kind of thinking ought to be free. Other earnest persons objected to "First drink a health," in the re-fashioned song of Hands all Round. They might have remembered a royal health drunk in water an hour before the drinkers swept Mackay down the Pass of Killiecrankie.