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And aboven at the cop of the hille is the eir so cleer, that men may fynde no wynd there. And therefore may no best lyve there; and so is the eyr drye. And men seye in theise contrees, that philosophres som tyme wenten upon theise hilles, and helden to here nose a spounge moysted with watre, for to have eyr; for the eyr above was so drye.

But it is a matter of little consequence, and the progress of such reforms is slow. "The printer hath not bin so careful as he should have bin," he complains. He especially condemns the superfluous letters in many of our words, choosing to write don, com, and som, rather than done, come, and some.

Zapp beamed with maternal fondness at the timid lodger. But the gallant friend of Pinkertons faced her for the first time. "Waste his travel-money?" he was inwardly exclaiming as he said: "But I thought you had some one in that room. I heard som " "That fellow! Oh, he ain't going to be perm'nent. And he promised me So you can have " "I'm awful sorry, Mrs. Zapp, but I'm afraid I can't take it.

Remonencq's receipt was worded in precisely the same way; a Greuze, a Claude Lorraine, a Rubens, and a Van Dyck being disguised as pictures of the French and Flemish schools. "Der monny makes me beleef dot the chimcracks haf som value," said Schmucke when the five thousand francs were paid over. "They are worth something," said Remonencq.

Now have I told yow som of the wayes, by the land, and eke by water, how that men mowen goon unto Jerusalem: they that hyt be so, that there been many other wayes, that men goon by, aftur countrees, that thay comen fram, nevere the lasse they turne alle un tylle an ende.

I say, Rosalie, what a rumpus there will be at the theatre! But it is not possible " "Our benefactor must not live in a garret " "Pshaw! for die few tays dat I haf to lif it ees fery komfortable," said Schmucke. "Goot-pye; I am going to der zemetery, to see vat dey haf don mit Bons, und to order som flowers for his grafe." Mme. Camusot de Marville was consumed by the liveliest apprehensions.

"She's go som' place, I don't know, me." The slim right hand of Annie-Many-Ponies went instinctively to her bosom and to what lay hidden there. But she waited, looking from the little campfire that was now almost dead, to Luis whom she suspected of treachery.

On Sunday there was a great concourse to hear Parson Moody preach an open-air sermon from the text, "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power," concerning which occasion the soldier diarist observes, "Several sorts of Busnesses was Going on, Som a Exercising, Som a Hearing Preaching."

"Mebe so com' de storm. What den? We was'e de time wit' Baptiste Chambre. We no mak' de Clearwater de Chrees'mas Day eh?" Xavier growled. "De Chrees'mas Day, damn! We no mak' de Chrees'mas Day, we mak' som' odder day. Lapierre's damn' Injuns com' for de wheeskey on Chrees'mas Day, she haf to wait. Me I'm goin' to Baptiste Chambre. I'm goin' for mak' de beeg dronk.

Som was a tall black dog with long legs and a tail as hard as a stick. At dinner and tea he usually moved about under the table, and thumped on people's boots and on the legs of the table with his tail. He was a good-natured, stupid dog, but Nikitin could not endure him because he had the habit of putting his head on people's knees at dinner and messing their trousers with saliva.