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Cytisus prostratus has a variety ciliata, and Solanum Dulcamara, or the bitter-sweet, has a variety called tomentosum. The curious monophyllous variety of the strawberry and many other forms will be discussed later. To enlarge this list it would only be necessary to extract from a flora, or from a catalogue of horticultural plants, the names of the varieties enumerated therein.

Set your aristocrat in the wilderness to earn his living by the sweat of his brow, let the rain and wind beat upon his delicate skin, shut him away from all the elevating influences to which he has been accustomed, and, in course of time, what have you? His descendants have retrograded. The Solanum has become a potato again."

Besides the common species, the second is the cari, Solanum cari, which bears white flowers having a large central nectary like the narcissus. The roots of this species are cylindrical and very sweet, and are usually roasted under the ashes. The Oca, or Oxalis tuberosa, produces five or six tuberosities on each root, three or four inches in length covered by a thin smooth skin.

The brown and Egyptian coss are sown in August, and commonly stand the winter; and in the spring are fit for use. LOVE-APPLE. Solanum Lycopersicum. The Portuguese and Spaniards are so very fond of this fruit, that there is not a soup or gravy but what this makes an ingredient in; and it is deemed cooling and nutritive. It is also called Tomatas, or Tomatoes.

Upon the whitewashed hearth were several earthen pots, filled with odorous geraniums; and over the two windows that opened on a narrow border of ground between the house wall and the street were carefully trained a solanum jasminoides white with waxen stars, and an abutilor, whose orange bells striped and veined with scarlet, swung in every breath of air that fluttered the spotless white cotton curtains, so daintily trimmed with a calico border of rose-coloured convolvulus.

They all require favoured situations, else the growth is short, and the plants stunted and meagre in appearance. SOLANUM CRISPUM. Potato-tree. A native of Chili, 1824, and not very hardy, except in the coast regions of England and Ireland.

Though the leaf of the etou is generally used in this process, and probably produces the finest colour, yet the juice of the figs will produce a red by a mixture with the species of tournefortia, which they call taheinno, the pohuc, the eurhe, or convolvulus brasiliensis, and a species of solanum, called ebooa; from the use of these different plants, or from different proportions of the materials, many varieties are observable in the colours of their cloth, some of which are conspicuously superior to others.

This is the case: thus the several leaf-climbing species of the Antirrhineae, of Solanum, Cocculus, and Gloriosa, have within the same family and even within the same genus, relatives which are twiners. In the genus Mikania, there are leaf-climbing and twining species. The leaf-climbing species of Clematis are very closely allied to the tendril-bearing Naravelia.

If the hybrids only are propagated, each year will show one-fourth of the offspring returning to the specific character, one-fourth assuming the type of the variety and one-half remaining hybrid. I have tested this with a hybrid between the ordinary nightshade with black berries, and its variety, Solanum nigrum chlorocarpum, with pale yellow fruits.

The stamens, five in number, are borne on the throat of the corolla, and consist of long, large anthers, borne on short filaments, loosely joined into a tube and opening by a longitudinal slit on the inside, and this is the chief botanical distinction between this genus and Solanum to which the potato, pepper, night shade and tobacco belong. The anthers in the latter genus open at the tip only.