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Men are in the habit of associating in daily, almost hourly, intercourse with others who are never really their friends and are always held at a distance. It is useless attempting to explain it, for we are merely reprimanded for unfriendliness, stiffness, and stupid pride. Soit! Let it go. Some of us, perhaps, know our own business best.

I always remember that inscription on the backs of the little mechanical French toys, "Quoiqu'elle soit tres solidement montee, il faut ne pas brutaliser la machine." And so my courtship progresses under aunt Celia's very nose. I say "progresses," but it is impossible to speak with any certainty of courting, for the essence of that gentle craft is hope, rooted in labor and trained by love.

Let the curs bark; Honi soit qui mal y pense is our motto, and shall be forever." "But I didn't let the cur bark; for I took him by the ears, to show him out into the street.

"Why, this afternoon we must look up some pretty girls and, as my cousin the King of England says, 'Honi soit qui mal y pense. Evil to him who evil thinks. And now, au revoir, my dear Wulf; by and by I'll invite you to crack a bottle with me." The punctilious Wulf made the three bows demanded by etiquette, turned on his heel, and left the room. Fandor sprang out of bed and began to dress.

And they add the words which all but those who make profit out of war will heartily echo and re-echo, "Ainsi soit il." An important change took place in the management of the barracks at Norman Cross a few months after the event narrated in the preceding chapter. Captain Mortimer, the admiralty agent, resigned his position there on promotion to another charge.

Chapter iii. 9. Si celuy qui se trouuera beaucoup plus avancé en âge, ou auantagé en dignité, soit en sa maison ou en quelqu'autre lieu, veut honorer son inferieur, comme il n'est pas

'Si fort qu'on soit, says one of the profoundest of the observers of the human heart, 'on peut eprouver le besoin de s'incliner devant quelqu'un ou quelque chose. S'incliner devant Dieu, c'est toujours le moins humiliant. Manning died on January 14th, 1892, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. A few days later Mr.

"Soit!" said the President, indifferently, "but all the same you shall be tried!" Duke John, knowing well that while his court was being held in the capital city of his province, and especially during the trial of Gilles de Retz, Nantes was no place for young maidens who had suffered like Maud Lindesay and Margaret Douglas, sent them under escort to the Castle of Angers.

At the convent of Marchiennes, considered by contemporaries the most beautiful abbey in all the Netherlands, they halted to sing the ten commandments in Marot's verse. Hardly had the vast chorus finished the precept against graven images; Taiiler ne to feras imaige De quelque chose que ce soit, Sy bonneur luy fail on hommaige, Bon Dieu jalousie en recoit,

What would it be to Providence to blot out one Sunday from the calendar? If only to prove His power to the atheists et que tout soit dit! Oh, how I loved her! Twenty years, these twenty years, and she has never understood me!" "But of whom are you talking? Even I don't understand you!" I asked, wondering. "Vingt ans! And she has not once understood me; oh, it's cruel!