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Kirchhoff immediately inferred from it that the salt flame, which could intensify so remarkably the dark lines of Fraunhofer, ought also to be able to produce them. The spectrum of the Drummond light is known to exhibit the two bright lines of sodium, which, however, gradually disappear as the modicum of sodium, contained as an impurity in the incandescent lime, is exhausted.

It is the indicator most generally employed for the titration of organic acids. In general, it may be stated that when a strong acid, such as hydrochloric, sulphuric or nitric acid, is titrated against a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or barium hydroxide, any of these indicators may be used, since very little hydrolysis ensues.

The seed-lac is bleached by boiling with sodium or potassium carbonate, alum, or borax, and then, if it is not pale enough, is further bleached by exposure to sunlight. After further operations of melting and straining, the lac is melted and spread into thin sheets to form ordinary shellac, or is melted and dropped on to a smooth surface to form "button-lac."

The most important combinations among the foregoing are: Potassium bichromate and ferrous salts; potassium permanganate and ferrous salts; potassium permanganate and oxalic acid, or its derivatives; iodine and sodium thiosulphate; hypochlorites and arsenious acid.

I have myself experimented somewhat, not with the administration of sodium chlorid by the mouth, but with the introduction by the bowel of fairly large quantities of physiologic salt solution in patients with glaucoma whose quantity of urinary secretion was markedly below the normal, and in one or two startling instances, which have been reported, achieved success in the rapid reduction of the intra-ocular tension when by this technic the urine secretion rose to the normal amount.

Perhaps athletes or other hard working people in the tropics eating deficient food grown on leached-out depleted soils, people that sweat buckets day after day may need a little extra sodium. Perhaps. Not having practiced in the humid tropics myself, I have no definitive answer about this. Unfortunately, the average American is entirely addicted to salt and thinks food tastes lousy without it.

Those of irritant poisoning with corrosion, and staining of a dark brown or yellow colour. Treatment. Stomach-pump and emetics, carbonate of sodium, amylaceous fluids, gruel, arrowroot, starch, etc. Analysis of Organic Mixture containing Iodine. Add bisulphide of carbon, and shake. The iodine may be obtained on evaporation as a sublimate.

The mineral compound of greatest importance perhaps is sodium chloride, or common salt. This is a natural constituent of most of our foods, and is also added to food in its preparation for the table. When it is withheld from animals for a considerable length of time, they suffer intensely and finally die.

Nine elements among them iron, sodium, calcium, and magnesium were recognised by Huggins as having stamped their signature on the spectrum of Aldebaran; while the existence in Sirius, and nearly all the other stars inspected, of hydrogen, together with sundry metals, was rendered certain or highly probable.

As you will remember, the strength of ordinary crystallized sodium citrate in water should be from 4.05 to 5.41 per cent. Of this five to fifteen minims are injected, the eye having been previously cocainized and adrenalinized. With frequent injections the weaker of the two solutions is mixed with 2 to 4 parts of physiologic salt solution.