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The missionaries remained in the snowhouse, and every day endeavoured to boil so much water over their lamps, as might supply them with two cups of coffee a-piece. Through mercy they were preserved in good health, and, quite unexpectedly, brother Liebisch recovered on the first day of his sore throat.

Several pillars of fence rails were set up inside to keep the roof from sagging; then the castle was swept out, the floor smoothed, and the girls were allowed to enter. It was a fine, big snowhouse, all of forty feet long and half as wide. It was as large as a small moving picture place.

But I never ran to a fire in a snowhouse, and I don't know much about them that's a fact," and he laughed. Neale looked serious when he walked over to the two Corner House girls. "What's the matter, Sir Lachrymose?" demanded Agnes, gaily. "I believe the further wall of this snowhouse has slumped," he said. "Maybe there is no danger, but I don't know."

And in the meantime the old bear, in her sleepy turnings, had managed to make herself a sort of snowhouse decidedly narrow, indeed, but wonderfully snug in its way. There was no room to take exercise, of course, but that, after all, was about the last thing she was thinking of. A day or two more and she was too fast asleep to do anything but breathe.

They were accomplishing it, however, with a vast deal of groaning and wheezing and deep-throated grunting, when they arrived at the end of the crevice wherein the snowhouse baby and his mother were concealed.

Blinking at the light and dazed by the sudden uproar, but full of curiosity, he was just crawling up out of the ruins of the snowhouse. His mother dragged him forth by the scruff of the neck, and with a heave of one paw sent him rolling over and over along the snow, a dozen paces out of danger.

"Maybe this winter." "Yes, some hunting up here in mid-winter wouldn't go bad," came from Giant. "We could bring snowshoes along and have jolly times." "That's the talk!" ejaculated Whopper. "I have always wanted to go hunting on snowshoes, And we could build a big snowhouse, too." "Well, that is something to talk over another time," put in Snap.

Well, as I was trying to say, there was nothing much for the cub to do in the snowhouse but nurse, sleep, and grow. To these three important but not exciting affairs he devoted himself entirely. Neither to him nor to his big white mother did it matter in the least whether the long Arctic gales roared over their unseen roof, or the unimaginable Arctic cold groped for them with noiseless fingers.

Neither foe could reach them in their warm refuge. "For the youngster of so huge a mother, the snowhouse baby was quite absurdly small. But this defect, by sticking closely to his business, he remedied with amazing rapidity. In fact, if his mother had cared to stay awake long enough to watch, she could fairly have seen him grow.

Uncle Andy knocked the ashes out of his pipe with that air of finality which the Child knew so well, and sometimes found so disappointing'. "But what became of the snowhouse baby?" he urged. "Oh," replied Uncle Andy, getting up from the chopping-log, "you see, he was no longer a snowhouse baby, because the snowhouse was all smashed up, and also rapidly melting.