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And my wife will be jocund, feat, compt, neat, quaint, dainty, trim, tricked up, brisk, smirk, and smug, even as a pretty little Cornish chough. Who will not believe this, let hell or the gallows be the burden of his Christmas carol.

Peter Measel produced a near-gold ring with a smirk almost of recklessness, a plain gold ring whose worn appearance called to mind the finger taken from a dead Kurd's cartridge pouch. It may be that Measel bought it, but neither Fred nor I spoke to him again, for half an hour.

Is there no way to give the man a sword-keen thrust? He broods over it for days, and at last it comes to him like an inspiration. Marcia has been making calls in Westbrook and stops for Floyd according to agreement. She sits there in the pony carriage in seal sacque and cap, her light hair flying about, her cheeks red with the wind, her face in a kind of satisfied smirk.

What is there in this whole city more brutal than that restaurant? Day and night, day and night, to see but one thing to see flashy, overdressed, fat and vulgar men and women gorging themselves! Oh, this will teach me to feel this at least! I go about with my whole being one curse of rage I could throttle them! And to bow and smirk and lackey them all day! All day!

Do you reckon she'll ever come to like me?" "Why, I dunno why she wouldn't," ventured the widow with an encouraging smirk. "Well, she don't seem to, no way." Then looking suspiciously through the window. "Where's she gone to?" "Oh, nowheres I reckon," said the mother soothingly, "nowheres in partic'ler. She's allers around."

She knew this but ate the toast with a smirk on her face. A minute later, she took out some snuff from her purse and a cold beer from the refrigerator and then went onto the porch. Outside, the wind was still bringing the coolness of winter nights that the sun beat down with the days. She drank and watched him.

I smirk and go through the history, giving my admirable imitations of the characters introduced: I mimic Jones's grin, Hobbs's squint, Brown's stammer, Grady's brogue, Sandy's Scotch accent, to the best of my power: and, the family part of my audience laughs good-humoredly. Perhaps the stranger, for whose amusement the performance is given, is amused by it and laughs too.

"We are all miserable sinners," he replied. "Have you seen the Yorkes lately?" "No; but I'll be bound you have." "What do you think of the story about old Lancaster?" "Oh, I think she'll marry him if mamma can arrange it." "'Children, obey your parents," quoted Mr. Rimmon, with a little smirk as he sidled away. "He is one of our rising young clergymen, nephew of the noted Dr.

Yet the boy was patently fallacious; and for that matter a most unsympathetic urchin, raised apparently on gingerbread. He was bent on his own pleasure, nothing else; and Kelmar followed him to his ruin, with the same shrewd smirk.

''Ord dim him, said he, turning up the fox's grim head with his foot, 'but Mr. Bragg's an awkward customer for gen'lemen of your description. 'You hunted him well! exclaimed Charley Slapp, who was trumpeter general of the establishment. 'Oh, sir, replied Bragg, with a smirk and a condescending bow, 'if Richard Bragg can't kill foxes, I don't know who can.