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The yelling slummers hovered on each flank, frantic with impotent rage; willing to wound and yet afraid to strike, knowing that to themselves open conflict meant annihilation. A savage, unsavoury horde of rat-like ruffians, these same allies of Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Morley, a peculiarly repulsive residuum these Dublin off-scourings.

They had two shillings and sixpence per week from the parish." Here is a report from the headquarters of our Slum Brigade as to the work which the Slum Sisters have done. It is almost four years since the Slum Work was started in London. The principal work done by our first Officers was that of visiting the sick, cleansing the homes of the Slummers, and of feeding the hungry.

The greater part of the money I now began to earn came through the friend to whom I alluded in the foregoing paragraph. Among the other white "slummers" there came into the "Club" one night a clean-cut, slender, but athletic-looking man, who would have been taken for a youth had it not been for the tinge of gray about his temples.

But I should finish it, if I were you. If you had the courage to paint in the right sort of face the girl, you know." "What sort of face, then?" "Sharp-nosed, thin-lipped, rather anaemic, with a universe of self-conceit in the eye." "They wouldn't hang it, and nobody would buy it. Besides, Warburton, you're wrong if you think the slummers are always that sort.

Though the Chinese feasting had not yet commenced, it was plain, from the attitude of the waiters, that slummers and tourists were not wanted on that night. But still the head waiter, when he came slipping over on his felt shoes, led them to a table in the Eastern dining room, from whose balconies one overlooked Portsmouth Square. His aspect, however, was anything but cheerful.

"Would you like to make the rounds of this quarter?" asked Leandro. "Yes. Let's," said the lady. Together they wound in and out of the narrow lanes of Las Injurias. "Watch out, the drain runs in the middle of the street," cautioned Manuel. The rain kept falling; the quartet of slummers entered narrow patios where their feet sank into the pestiferous slime.

She knew some of its trails; but once there, was unpleasantly surprised to find the place swarming with Cats that, like herself, were driven from their old grounds, and when the garbage-cans came out there were several Slummers at each. It meant a famine in the land, and Pussy, after standing it a few days, was reduced to seeking her other home on Fifth Avenue.

Like the country folks the city slummers believe that unheard-of advantages would follow the great Bill, and, unconsciously parodying Sancho Panza, say in effect, "Now blessings light on him who first invented Home Rule! it covers a man all over, thoughts and all, like a cloak; it is meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for the cold, and cold for the hot."

Don't you dast ter pull this conscience stuff on me I've heard you profess'nal slummers talk before a lot o' times. What good has a conscience ever done me huh?" Rose-Marie had been watching the girl's face. Of a sudden she shot her thunderbolt. "Are you running away to be married, Ella?" she asked. A second flush ran over Ella's face, and receded slowly leaving it very pale.

With artful geography of arrangement, gaudy women from the side street, at tables, were parading their too evident charms before the crowd of clerks, men about town, warrant officers, railroad employees, old roués, sporting men and belated "slummers" who leered at every arrival of "fresh fish."