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Every man who is fit for it shall spend the rest of his time in planning his work himself and in expressing himself, and in creating hand-made and beautiful, inspired and wilful things like an artist, or like a slowed-down genius, or at least like a man or like a human being. Every man owes it to society to spend part of his time in expressing his own soul. The world needs him.

What it seems to boil down to is they're saying I was undergoing something like a very much slowed-down, very profound emotional shock source still undetermined, but profound enough to knock me completely out for a while. Only they also say that for a whole list of reasons it couldn't possibly have been an emotional shock after all! And when the effect left, it went instantaneously.

A bright laugh flashed in the hazel eyes, and the white teeth showed in a smile. "I'll try since you wish it," she said over her shoulder, as she turned away. The throb of the propeller has almost ceased; faint, too, is the vibration of the slowed-down engines. It is a perfect morning, cloudless in its dazzling splendour.

His tone was sincere, his manner courteous, but, as Cora looked into his boat, when it rushed up alongside her slowed-down craft, she noted that his throttle was still partly closed. Instantly a suspicion came to her. "He did not try to win!" was the suggestion that flashed to her mind. "He didn't try!"

The torn strips of clouds, that had looked like molten gold, were now darkening, and their darkness seemed ominous to him. The steepness of the "loanie" made him pant and presently he slackened his pace and slowed-down to walking. His eyes felt hot and stiff in their sockets and when he put his hand on his forehead, he felt that it was wet with sweat. "I'm frightened," he said to himself.

Come what might, you see, I was always ready. "The moment that the train was fairly on the side line, Smith, the stoker, slowed-down the engine, and then, having turned it on to the fullest speed again, he and McPherson, with my English lieutenant, sprang off before it was too late.