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A long, narrow man, in a long, narrow, shoddy overcoat and a damp felt hat, was walking quickly along the road past the camp. A sort of cattle-dog glided silently and swiftly out from under a wagon, "heeled" the man, and slithered back without explaining. Here the scene vanished. We remember stopping for an age it seemed at half a dozen straggling shanties on a flat of mud and water.

Some preliminary passes we made from the first engagement in the lines of tierce, each playing warily for an opening, yet neither of us giving ground or betraying haste or excitement. Now his blade slithered on mine with a ceaseless tremor; his eyes watched mine from under lowering brows, and with knees bent he crouched like a cat making ready for a spring. Then it came.

The shock of the meeting came near to unseating him, and sent one of the foe sprawling, horse and man; Brian cut another to the chin and thrust the life from a third, and before the first sword had slithered on his steel-cap his men had swept aside the devoted fifteen, and he was riding on. O'Donnell had straightened his party for nothing. Now the Dark Master was riding for his life, and knew it.

Suddenly her umbrella opened in the face of the animal. Frightened, it set its feet wide and slithered to a halt so close to her that its chorus pierced the silk of the umbrella. With one hand Leroy swept the girl behind him; with the other he pumped three bullets into the forehead of the bull. Without a groan it keeled over, dead before it reached the ground.

In that act she checked, startled, transfixed, the laugh freezing into a gasp of alarm. Brass rings slithered on a pole supporting the portières at the back of the room. These parted. Through them a man emerged. Her grasp on the picture relaxed. It struck a corner against the chair and clattered on the floor the canvas on its stretcher simultaneously flying out of the frame. "Victor!"

Whether that battering would accomplish his purpose, he could not tell. But that he had only these few seconds torn out of time to try, he knew, and determined to use them as best he could. One of the Baldies had slithered down to the floor and another was aiming strangely ineffectual blows at him. But the third had wriggled free to bring up a paralyzer.

A soft sludge as it came noiselessly to rest beneath the glazed chintz awnings of the Butterfly Center station. A faint scent of chypre from Petticoat's cigarette as he alit. From his private train, which had slithered across the intervening spaces and slid into its moorings as butter slides from a hot plate. It is September, cool, green and well-sprinkled.

With an air of offended dignity, the snake slithered into the dark opening. "Now what's the meeting for?" he demanded. "I'll tell you immediate that if money's required it's impractical." President O'Hanrahan said morbidly: "'Twas called, it seems, to put the curse o' Cromwell on whoever let the black snakes loose.

The plane turned turtle, slithered sidewise through the air, and dropped, horizontal now, but upside down, Carl on top. Thirty-five, forty feet down. "I'm up against it," was his only thought while he was falling. The left tip of the plane smashed against the ground, crashing, horribly jarring. But it broke the fall. Carl shot forward and landed on his shoulder.

He shook his fist high in the air, and started to run again. It was not an instant too soon, either. A beam slithered down the smoldering air, and the Earth literally boiled under its impact, directly on the spot where Wat had stopped to shake his fist. All about them the terrible rays were slashing now.