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And the flat of his hand slapped the stallion on the flank. Was not that the old signal out of the pasture days, calling for a gallop? He started into a swinging canter. And a faint, half-choked cry of pleasure from the lips of his rider tingled in his ears.

And with that he slapped his cards to the table, and shook the Squire's hand, with such a fury of affectionate enthusiasm that some of his cards fluttered about him to the floor, like a shower of leaves.

I repeated this performance several times. I think she understood perfectly well; for she slapped her hand two or three times and shook her head. We began the lesson as usual. After spelling half the words, she stopped suddenly, as if a thought had flashed into her mind, and felt for the napkin. I took this for a promise that if I gave her some cake she would be a good girl.

And he crawled quietly underneath a friendly bush much as he had done when Robin undertook to teach Will Scarlet a lesson and chuckled softly to himself and slapped his thigh and prepared to watch the fight at his ease. Indeed it was both exciting and laughable.

"I'm thinking of the poor woman in Wales, too, and the poor woman in there." He jerked his head. Then, in a calmer tone: "I guessed at dinner where you came from. Colonel Boundary sent you." Pinto shrugged. "Let us mention no names," he said politely. "And who is Colonel Boundary, anyway?" Crotin was at his desk now. He had taken out his cheque-book and slapped it down upon the writing-pad.

An untimely and inconsequential acquaintance loomed up in my path, and when I attempted to brush hastily by him, he slapped me on the back and hailed me with that most irritating of all conceivable forms of address, "Well, how is the boy to-night?"

"I did, Owen, I did." "Whin ye got word of her death last year, was ye a broken-hearted widdy or was ye not?" "I was, Owen, I was." 46 "John McGillis, do ye call yerself a widdy now, or do ye not call yerself a widdy?" "I do, Owen, I do." "Thin ye're the loire," and Owen slapped his face. For a minute there was danger of manslaughter as they dealt each other blows with sledge fists.

"Our chief difficulty lay in finding the road. The only time I felt worried was when you crossed the river to retrieve the ferryboat. But surely I have caused enough excitement for to-night. You ought to take some hot lemonade and go to bed." A man who had walked up the hill from the boathouse with Medenham laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. "Come along, old chap!" he cried.

Once in authority, the labourer is stern, hard, and inconsiderate of the feelings of others, and he is in authority in his own cottage. The wife has been accustomed to such treatment more or less from her childhood; she has been slapped and banged about at home, and therefore thinks comparatively little of a blow from her husband's hand.

"That's about the size of it. What are you going to do with the fellow?" "I think it would be well to catch him in company with the man in black when they meet to-morrow night." Bart slapped his thigh. "Just the scheme! But who's going to do the catching?" "It would be a good plan to have an officer from the village on hand for that job." "Good!