United States or Solomon Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He crawled into his berth early, and it was some time after midnight when he was awakened by being rudely flung out of it. That fact, and the slant of deck and sounds above, suggested that the schooner had been hove down by a sudden gale.

From time to time he offered for sale pamphlets by R.G. Ingersoll and Frederic Harrison, with grimy back numbers of a journal called the "Truth-Seeker." By the slant and timbre of his speech he was an Englishman; he had a gift of vigorous statement, and met questioners like an intellectual pugilist with skilful blows between the eyes: and his grammar was bad.

Then, about three miles away, there arose something that looked like a dark cloud. The sound of thunder came nearer. The dust cloud was plainly to be seen. Right ahead, so as to cross it on the slant, rode the group of men. The boys were in the rear. Mr. Kent gave a glance back and saw them. He shouted something but the chums could not hear him amid the pounding of hoofs.

First, your attic must be unequivocally a back attic; secondly, the house in which it is located must be slightly elevated above its neighbors; thirdly, the window must not lie slant on the roof, as is common with attics, in which case you can only catch a peep of that leaden canopy which infatuated Londoners call the sky, but must be a window perpendicular, and not half blocked up by the parapets of that fosse called the gutter; and, lastly, the sight must be so humored that you cannot catch a glimpse of the pavements: if you once see the world beneath, the whole charm of that world above is destroyed.

At last we opened out the gleam of fire in our cave, and a minute later were engaged in struggling desperately up the slant that brought us to our ledge and the slope on which our fire burned. "My Lord!" panted Windy Bill, "a man had ought to have hooks on his eyebrows to climb up here!" We renewed the fire and blessed the back-load of mesquite we had packed up earlier in the evening.

I would have gone again on Thursday, but Madame Savain came to try on my bodice and I had a protracted discussion with her about the slant of the skirts. Her Friend Ah! the skirts are cut slantingly. Madame Yes, yes, with little cross-bars, which is an idea of my own I have not seen it anywhere else; I think it will not look badly.

We have had it light and shy, so far, during the entire voyage, except for the little slant we got down channel on our first day out." "Ah, yes!" remarked Captain Blyth; "you had the advantage of us there. We had to beat the whole way from the Foreland to the Start." "An advantage which is more than counterbalanced by your beautiful model and your brand-new canvas," observed Spence.

And I do want her. I've been afraid to say it, that's all. But now " He squares his shoulders and sets his jaw solid. "That's the slant!" says I. "And the sooner the quicker, you know." "Yes, yes!" says he, jumpin' up. "Tonight! I I'll write to her at once." "Ah, squiffle!" says I, indicatin' deep disgust. Mr. Robert gazes at me astonished. "I beg pardon!" says he.

He rose and beckoned to Jack and the two turned aside and made their way stealthily up the slant of a ledge. In the edge of a little thicket on a mossy rock shelf they sat down. Solomon looked serious. There were deep furrows in the skin above his brow. When he was excited in the bush he had the habit of swallowing and the process made a small, creaky sound in his throat.

But that night we heard a rumbling and grinding noise down in the hold, and the slant seemed to get worse. Pretty soon the captain roused all hands and told us that the cargo of pig-iron was shifting and sliding down to the bow, and that it wouldn't be long before it would break through all the bulkheads, and then we'd fill and go to the bottom like a shot.