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But before they could fire again we were in the stables, the door slammed behind us, and I had dumped the Nugget on the floor, and was shooting the heavy bolts into their places. Footsteps clattered over the flagstones and stopped outside. Some weighty body plunged against the door. Then there was silence. The first round was over.

Both were kissed very tenderly, but Tom she wanted to keep by her, to try to trace the features of the baby she had loved, and talked to, of his infant preference of herself. Tom, however, had no mind for such treatment: he came home not to stand and be talked to, but to run about and make a noise; and both boys had soon burst from her, and slammed the parlour-door till her temples ached.

I be sopping." "Know you! How should I know you? Who be you?" "Good heavens, Peckaby! you must know me. Ain't I your wife?" "My wife! Not a bit on't. You needn't come here with that gammon, missis, whoever you be. My wife's gone off to New Jerusalem on a white donkey." He slammed to the casement. Mrs. Peckaby, what with the rain and what with the disappointment, burst into tears.

Somewhere in the house the muffled sound of a struggle rose. He ran to the door, thinking of Ruth Tolliver at once, and then he shrank back again, for a door was slammed open, and a voice shouted the voice of a man: "Help! Harrison! Lefty! Jerry!" Other voices answered far away; footfalls began to sound.

Burned matches and cigar-ends lay about the dirty boards; the windows of the mean ship-lap house were guarded by fine wire net. The door had been removed, and a frame, filled in with gauze and held by a spring, slammed noisily when one went in or out. For all that, the hotel was full of dust and flies, and mosquitoes hummed about the hot rooms at night.

Then the door was slammed and the front door opened and slammed also. Harding sat waiting for Eustace to come back to the office. He heard Mrs. Burke's voice sounding shrill outside, but not clear enough for him to distinguish what she was saying. Then the buggy started and drove rapidly away. A gentle tap came at the door leading to the house, and Mrs. Eustace opened it and looked in.

"My dear lady," he said, "she's a person you never ought to have had inside your house. She's promised me to be gone in half an hour, and I'm coming back to see she keeps her word. Give her a month's wages, and have a clear fire ready for me." And before my mother could reply, he had slammed the front door. "What a very odd sort of a man," said my mother, recovering herself.

His wits, spurred by the emergency, were now alert and he recalled that the men who had stolen the car had rolled one door shut and slammed another. So perhaps the rolling door had been barred inside. Where the small door was he did not know, and there was no time now to make a groping exploration of the sides. The rolling door must be in back of the car, he knew that.

Really it was now time to take precautionary measures against the attacks of Hubert's malice, which V was now convinced, had been betrayed in his agitated behaviour of the day before. Next morning, at the hour when the Freiherr was in the habit of rising, V heard people running backwards and forwards, doors opened and slammed to, and a tumultuous confusion of voices talking and shouting.

I don't get much of a pattern out of the sounds." "Maybe the seven-eyed men of the planet Glup don't have rhythm," Rick began. "Anyway ..." He never finished the sentence. The control-room door slammed open. Arabs crashed through, bringing the police guard to his feet with a bound.