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"Yes, I understand all that as well as if I had heard every word of it," he said, when he had led me helpless into the Hansom cab he came in, and had slammed down the flood-gates in front of us. Now did she cry, Erema?" I would have given a hundred dollars to be able to say, "No, not one drop;" but the truth was against me, and I said, "How could she help it?"

"You get that, do you? Just you remember that what I say goes, an' I don't take no guff offen no man, not even one of the old man's pets an' that's my business see?" Bill smiled as the scowling man crushed the note in his hand and slammed it viciously into the wood-box. "Wants you broke in, does he? All right; I'll break you!

One afternoon, while she had been down stairs, she had left the window open. The wind had suddenly sprung up, slammed the blinds, and thus upset a chair. On this chair hung her cashmere; it fell into the fireplace, in which a little fire was still burning; and when she came back she found the shawl half-burnt to ashes.

So, you see, I have only one set of originals. I had occasion to come back to my office quite late the day of the discovery, and, as I let myself in at that door," she pointed to the door leading into the corridor, "what I thought was a gust of wind slammed the door leading into the next room which I usually keep shut and bolted on this side.

She had waded through snowdrifts and been drenched in pouring rains, she had been frozen with the cold and prostrated with the heat, she had been blown about by Chicago wind until it was strange there was any of her left in one piece, she had had front doors yes, and back doors too, slammed in her face, she had been the butt of the alleged wit of menials and hirelings, she had been patronised by vapid women as the poor girl who must make her living some way, she had been roasted by but never mind she had had a beat or two!

Kate! Susan!" Doors slammed, cries echoed, stairs shook, as trembling servants rushed responsive. Crashing of cans, rushing of water, called them to the bathroom. "Oh, m'am! What is it?" Water flew in sprays as the agonised mother tested its temperature with her hands; cans rattled as she kicked them from where, in dragging one from the shelf, the others had clattered about her feet.

At one time less than two cab-lengths separated them; then a Ford, driven Fordishly, wandered vaguely out of a crosstown street and hesitated in the middle of the thoroughfare with precisely the air of a staring yokel on a first visit to the city; and Lanyard's driver slammed on the emergency brake barely in time to escape committing involuntary but justifiable flivvercide.

And you just raised my weekly insult to twenty-five dollars last Saturday, you know, Mr. Trubus." With this Parthian shot, she slammed the door of the general stenographers' room, and left Mr. Trubus to face his irate wife. "You pay that girl twenty-five dollars for attending to a telephone, William? Why, that's more money than you earned when we had been married ten years.

"Miss nothin'!" snapped back the Girl, tugging away at the slippers; in desperation once more she ordered: "Wowkle, close the winder! Close the winder!" The Sidney Duck glowered at her. He had expected her intercession on his behalf and could not understand this new attitude of hers toward him. "Public 'ouse jide!" he retorted furiously, and slammed the window.

But I'd better 'urry, 'specially if...." Doggott's color faded a little and his mouth tightened. "But I 'ope you're mistyken, sir. Good-night." The door slammed behind him.