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"What's that?" Scott demanded, wheeling round. "Skuze me, sah, nothin' er tall. Jest er passin' de time o' de day, sah." "Didn't I tell you that we would pay you for everything we got?" "Yas, sah, an' you's er generman, sah; yas, I thanks you fur gwinter pay me." "Yo' supper is done an' ef you'll jest gib me room I'll fix de table," the woman remarked, taking the bread off the griddle.

"Thank you 'specially as my eyes ain't right good this mornin'. Skuze us, Laz," she said, turning to go into the house. "Help yo'se'f," Laz replied, again wiping his jews-harp; and when the two women had gone into the house, he began to play, and the old man, sitting now upon the wood-pile, looking over his epitaph, nodded time. Suddenly the musician left off.

"No, no," replied Mr. Thimblefinger. "Below the spring and below the branch." "Do you mean under the spring?" Sweetest Susan inquired, with some hesitation. "That's it," cried Mr. Thimblefinger. "Right down through the spring and under it." "Why, we'd drown," said Sweetest Susan. "The spring is deep." "Well, you'll ha' ter 'skuze me," exclaimed Drusilla. "Dat water's too wet fer me."

Mink, en skuze hisse'f kaze he wuz too sick fer ter come, en he ax Brer Rabbit fer ter come en take dinner wid him, en Brer Rabbit say he wuz 'gree'ble.

A feller in the Bible says, 'I'd like might'ly to go to yo' little dinner, but I've got to break a yoke of steers an' you must 'skuze me. So, Margaret, you must never interfere with bisiness." "But didn't you say suthin' about that you might have to kill him? Didn't you?" "Huh. We must have been talkin' about a sheep that broke his leg. When a sheep breaks his leg, you know, he's about gone.

Atter 'long time, de blacksmif he tuck'n die, en w'en he go ter de Good Place de man at de gate dunner who he is, en he can't squeeze in. Den he go down ter de Bad Place, en knock. De Ole Boy, he look out, he did, en he know'd de blacksmif de minnit he laid eyes on 'im; but he shake his head en say, sezee: "'You'll hatter skuze me, Brer Blacksmif, kase I dun had 'speunce 'longer you.

"Oh, naw, sah, skuze me," said the old negro, "I ain't doin' dat, fur I dun tole you dat I didn' want ter be pertinence, but dar's some things, you know, dat er pusson would like ter un'erstan', an' whut I gwine git fur all dis yere is one o' 'em.