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If she'd said anything 'twouldn't have been so bad; but she didn't just looked. I could feel my bald spot reddenin' up till I swan to man I thought it must be breakin' out in blisters. 'Never see anybody that looked just like me, did you, Sis? I says to her, when I couldn't stand it any longer. 'No, sir, she says, solemn as an owl. She was right out and honest, I'll say that for her.

They looked alike, which is another way of saying both of them were pretty and slim and quick in their movements. "Hello, sis," said Mildred by way of greeting. She dropped into a chair, smoothing down the front of her white middy blouse and fanning her flushed face with the broad ends of her sailor tie. Then observing her sister's despondent attitude: "What are you in the dumps about?

Harry silently surveyed them from the door, and his face lighted with a new thought. Taylor, espying him, leapt to his feet and hauled out his watch. "Well I " he began lamely. "No, you weren't either," interrupted Harry, with a laugh that was unmistakably cordial and friendly. "You had quite forgotten what you were waiting for isn't that so, Sis?"

"Don't you stir, Sis!" cried Bob, returning with the others. "Al and I'll do the dishes." Then, as he saw an expression of disfavour cross his brother's face at this unwelcome proposal, he added quickly, "She's sick, Sally is, with all this, and it's time somebody noticed it." They all looked at her. She tried to smile up at them, but the unwilling tears came instead.

"Oh, I say, sis, we might come back just once, you know, just to tell them about things." "Yes, that's so," agreed Ethel readily; "and say, let's tell them now that we're going. Come on!" she finished over her shoulder as she flew through the door. "There, Caleb, I told you how it would be," smiled Mrs.

"Breakfast is served, Miss Caroline," he announced. "Has Captain Warren come from his room?" asked the young lady. "No, Miss Caroline. That is, I haven't seen him." Stephen tossed the paper on the floor and rose. "I wonder " he began. Then, with a broad grin, "A sudden thought strikes me, Sis. He has undoubtedly blown out the gas." "Steve! How can you!" "Perfectly simple. Absolutely reasonable.

"But o' course it ain't too late to begin now, my dearie." Her fearless level eyes met squarely his shifty ones and read there something she could dread without understanding, something that was an undefined sacrilege of her sweet purity. For woman-like her instinct leaped beyond reason. "Take down your arm," she ordered. "Oh, I don't know, sis. I reckon your brother "

"'I'm sorter toler'ble, Brer Rabbit; how you come on? sez Miss Cow, sez she. "'Oh, I'm des toler'ble myse'f, Sis Cow; sorter linger'n' twix' a bauk en a break-down, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'How yo' fokes, Brer Rabbit? sez Miss Cow, sez she. "'Dey er des middlin', Sis Cow; how Brer Bull gittin' on? sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'Sorter so-so, sez Miss Cow, sez she.

"Well," Doc Speaker remarked, as he sat in a car with his folks, and surveyed the struggling throng gathered to wish the boys the best of luck, "one thing certain, Sis, if anybody can bring Marshall's scalp home tonight it's Jack Winters. No one seems to just know how it comes, but there's a certain magnetism about that fellow that goes clean through the bunch.

For an hour they discussed the Nasons, while Albert noticed his sister avoided any mention of Frank, and then he said: "Well, sis, which of the rents we have looked at do you think I best engage and when will you be ready to move?" Alice was silent and for a few minutes she pursed her lips and looked at the chilly shipwreck scene near her as if it contained a revelation.