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It seemed so plain, so simple, so beautiful, so unlike any idea man could conceive, that I, as it were, sprang to it, just as a drowning man springs to a rock, and clutching it, lifts himself up clear of the tangled weeds which are dragging him to destruction. From that moment I became a changed man, and gained a peace and happiness of which I knew nothing before."

The structure was an inartificial one a simple wall, behind which young beginners might train guns to do mischief to a veteran enemy in front. Its form was square, with a bastion at each angle, sufficiently large, when finished, to cover a thousand men.

"So Cathedine has been introducing us into society," he said, "and advising you as to your gowns. Was that quite necessary do you think?" "It's very simple what he has been doing," was her angry reply. "You never take any pains to make life amusing to me, so I must look elsewhere, if I want society that's all."

I saw the unlucky son of Sicily the next morning, and I told him that, having found the actress very dull, I would not see her again. Such was truly my intention, but a very important reason, which nature took care to explain to me three days afterwards, compelled me to keep my word through a much more serious motive than a simple dislike for the woman.

The only important fact in her mind was the intimacy between them, which united them, little by little, apart from the world. She knew nothing about him, yet she was so well acquainted with his nature that she could read his thoughts in a simple look or smile. He, her hero, had come as she always said he would. She had at once recognised him, and they loved each other.

Few were more clever, and if she once loved more loyal and devoted, more yielding, pliant, and in happy hours more bewitching, yet even in childhood she had preferred a winding path to a straight one. It seemed as if her shrewdness scorned to attain the end desired by the simple method lying close at hand.

"Here is all the mystery," answered another. "It is very simple. Only laugh in the face of the plague, and it will run away from you." "And right enough too, for very stupid work it does," added a pretty little Columbine, emptying her glass.

They came together somehow, and suited one another. The burnous is the epitome of Arab inefficiency. They call it simple, but like other things that go by that name, it defeats it own objects of facilitating the common operations of life. It is amusing to watch them at their laundry-work.

This I did, and soon had the pleasure of leaving her happy and reassured beside her box and bundle. The passage home, though a rough one, was cheerfully and patiently borne. I found a compound motion, the motion of a screw steamer, a roll and a plunge less trying to my head than the simple rocking or pitching of the side-wheeled Scotia. One motion was in a measure a foil to the other.

Transverse fractures do not readily unite because of the tension of the triceps muscles, which prevent close approximation of the broken ends of the bone. Thompson , however, reports a case of transverse simple fracture of the ulna in a mare, the result of a kick, in which complete recovery took place. He kept the subject in a sling for six weeks and then allowed six months rest. Symptomatology.