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But the word was passed along the line of Police posts over the plains and far out into British Columbia to watch for signs and to be on guard.

In crossing the river, my squire and his horse were swept away by the stream, and, with some difficulty, I have been able to drag him ashore, though I am afraid my assistance reached him too late, for since I brought him to land he has given no signs of life."

As it is, the path will doubtless be clear." So saying, he turned his horse, galloped back to the spot where the tracks separated, and then followed the left-hand route. As he had hoped, he passed through the wood without incident or interruption, and arrived safely that night at a small town, having seen no signs of his enemies.

We could not signal the sail, but by the mercy of Providence, she saw us and lay to, and sent off a boat and picked us up and took us on board me and the baby and the cook and the sailor lad. "It was a foreign wessel, and we could not understand a word they said, nor they us. All we could do was by signs.

No doubt they thought that there was a party of our bushwhackers upon them. Now, Dan, you keep watch, and let me know if you see any signs of their returning. I think they are too shaken up to want any more fighting; but as there are seven of them, and they may guess there are only two or three of us, it is possible they may try again." "Me don't tink dey try any more, sah.

O, but, "they say those things only lasted through that apostolic age." Let us see. "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe." How long? I think at least until they had gone into all the world.

John Johnston, who had been for some time secretary of state for Scotland a son of the celebrated covenanting hero Archibald Johnston of Warriston was then in London carefully looking at the signs of the times.

Many of those who crossed the desert, have assured us that there were moments when they were quite beside themselves. An officer of the army in particular, gave signs of the most violent despair; he rolled himself in the sand, begging his comrades to kill him, because he could no longer bear up against so many sufferings. They succeeded in calming him; he arrived at St.

Notwithstanding these outward signs of hostility, fancying that our four friends were with them, I continued to steer directly in for the bank on which they were collected. I found, however, when it was almost too late to turn into the succeeding reach to our left, that an attempt to land would only be attended with loss of life. The natives seemed determined to resist it.

They are as indispensable as the Ballad Singer; and in their picturesque attire as ornamental as the Signs of old London. They were the standing morals, emblems, mementos, dial-mottos, the spital sermons, the books for children, the salutary checks and pauses to the high and rushing tide of greasy citizenry Look Upon that poor and broken bankrupt there.