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Both her masts were gone, and the bowsprit had been carried away, with a considerable portion of the bulwarks, when the masts fell, and all her boats and caboose. Altogether she had a very forlorn appearance, while there was no sign of a human being on board. Their first care was to get up the old man.

"But whither are we bound?" "We are running north and west." "North and west! Then we are heading back towards Jamaica." "With an eight-knot wind." "Have you heard what they mean to do with me?" "I have not heard. If you would but sign the articles " "Enough, Joshua Hird! I have risked my soul too often." "As you wish. I have done what I could. Farewell!"

"Nothing," says a distinguished writer upon that most frivolous of all threadbare subjects, etiquette, "nothing is more decidedly the sign of a vulgar-born or a vulgar-bred person than to be ready to practise the art of cutting."

Kenyon, the two numbers of Jerold Douglas's magazine, and I wish 'by that same sign' I could invoke your presence and advice on a letter I received this morning.

The foot moved and disappeared. Catching a glimpse of the rifle barrel coming into view around the edge of the rock, Calumet sank back into the gully. Fifteen minutes later when he again cautiously raised his head above the level there was no sign of Taggart. He dropped down into the gully again and scrambled to the other end of it, raising his head again.

Remember I heard the words trembling upon his lips, and I saw your face!" Saton did not move, nor did he speak for a moment. His cheeks were a little pale, but he gave no sign of being moved. The woman's face was like the face of a sphinx, withered and emotionless. Her eyes were fixed upon Saton's. "You have spoken to me before somewhat in this strain, sir," Saton said.

Of the four distinguished citizens who had been its governors, since Virginia had assumed the right to elect governors, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, Nelson, and Harrison, each in turn had denounced the measure as unsatisfactory and dangerous; while Edmund Randolph, the governor then in office, having attended the great convention at Philadelphia, and having there refused to sign the Constitution, had published an impressive statement of his objections to it, and, for several months thereafter, had been counted among its most formidable opponents.

Now, if by any means I could make him believe that I had received an offer from some one fully if not more than his equal, I think it would settle the matter, and I've decided upon the following plan. I'll write a proposal myself, sign old Judge B 's name to it, and next time Mr. Hamilton comes let him surprise me in reading it.

Still, there was no sign of a change, so when the steward summoned me to dinner I had no hesitation about following him, leaving the deck in charge of the gunner, with instructions to keep both eyes and ears open, and to call me the moment he had reason to believe the breeze was coming. Dinner over, I again went on deck.

Doubtless mothers are far too ready to think THEIR sons above the ordinary breed of sons: self, unpossessed of God, will worship itself in its offspring; yet the sons whom HOLY mothers have regarded as born to great things and who have passed away without sign, may have gone on toward their great things.