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Course I know a few words, like Spricken Sie Dutch and Bitty, sir, that Rabin at the Souvenir Company he's a German Jew, I guess learnt me.... But, say, isn't Kipling great! Gee! when I read Kim I can imagine I'm hiking along one of those roads in India just like I was there you know, all those magicians and so on.... Readin's wonderful, ain't it!" "Um. Yes." "I bet you read an awful lot."

Hundert Jahre vorueber, waren die Engländer und die Amerikaner Feinde; aber heut sind sie herzlichen Freunde, Gott sei Dank!

This is a large county, and to enlist our friends in your behalf no time should be lost." With a profusion of "Leben Sie wohls" and well wishes for each other, the "Zweibund" parted. Stubb and Arab were waiting on a corner for Baugh. When he returned he withheld his report until they had retreated to the privacy of their own room.

The man tried his best to understand me; he tried, and kept on trying, harder and harder, until I saw it was really of no use, and said: "There, don't strain yourself it is of no consequence." Then X turned to him and crisply said: "MACHEN SIE a flat board."

There was something at any rate to give her German girls.... She could say, "There are no rules for English pronunciation, but what is usual at the University of Oxford is decisive for cultured people" "decisive for cultured people." She must remember that for the class. "Na, was sticken Sie da Miss Henderson?" It was Fraulein Pfaff.

'It is certane' says Kirk, 'he sie more fatall and fearfull things, than he do gladsome. For the physical condition of the seer, Kirk describes it as 'a rapture, transport, and sort of death'. Our contemporary informants deny that, in their experience, any kind of convulsion or fit accompanies the visions, as in Scott's account of Allan Macaulay, in the Legend of Montrose. Strangely unlike Mr.

Sië would not suffer him to go so quickly. "Nay, friend," she said; "stay yet a little while in my house, I pray you; for, should your honored patron ever learn that you had been here, and that I had not treated you as a respected guest, and regaled you even as I would him, I know that he would be greatly angered. Remain at least to supper."

Slowly he descended. "Where have they gone?" asked Swithin painfully. "A pound for every English word you speak. A pound!" and he made an O with his fingers. The corners of the shoemaker's lips curled. "Geld! Mf! Eilen Sie, nur!" But in Swithin a sullen anger had begun to burn. "If you don't tell me," he said, "it'll be the worse for you." "Sind ein komischer Kerl!" remarked the shoemaker.

With any one else Lutchkov would thereupon have kept on more than before; Kister he did not tease. 'Well, well, sprechen Sie deutsch, Ivan Andreitch, he muttered in an undertone, 'don't be angry. 'Listen, Avdey, Kister began warmly, and he sat down beside him. Why, there are nice people in the world, hang it all!

Then again, I was such a handsome young man, and I'd never seen the world, or spent the night in a private house. I felt I must try everything! First thing, I got myself dressed like a dandy. "Know our people!" says I. That is, I played the fool to a rarity! Of course, I started to visit all the taverns: "Schpeelen sie polka! Give us a bottle off the ice!"