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It's a hot night. I disremember any sich weather before on the Bar." He paused a moment, but nobody volunteering any other meteorological recollection, he again had recourse to his pocket-handkerchief, and for some moments mopped his face diligently. "Have you anything to say on behalf of the prisoner?" said the Judge, finally. "Thet's it," said Tennessee's Partner, in a tone of relief.

'After we'd been arguin' a long time about wot 'e called everlution or some sich name, and a lot more tommy-rot that I couldn't make no 'ead or tail of and to tell you the truth I don't believe 'e understood 'arf of it 'imself I ses to 'im, "Well," I ses, "if it's true that we're hall descended from monkeys," I ses, "I think your famly must 'ave left orf where mine begun."

The original song in which he expresses this sentiment is still extant, and the particular stanza in question runs as follows: "Do man der rehten minne pflag Da pflag man ouch der ehren; Nu mag man naht und tag Die boesen sitte leren; Swer dis nu siht, und jens do sach, O we! was der nu clagen mag Tugende wend sich nu verkehren."

Thet man belongs ter me ... an' I aims ter claim him now. When my blood war bi'lin' like a mortal fever ... right hyar in this room ... didn't ye fo'ce me ter lay aside my grudge till sich day es ye give me license ter take hit up ergin?... an' hain't thet day come now?... From thet time till this I've kep' my word ... but hell hitself couldn't hold me back no longer.... Ye kain't hev him, Hump.

"He was a very remarkable man in appearance; very stout, with a long face, a slight scar on his chin, and a cast in his eye." "Do you remember which of them?" "Indeed I don't, an' it wouldn't be raison able that I should, afther sich a distance of time." "And, you saw that man murdered?" "I seen him dead, afther having been murdhered." "Very right I stand corrected. Well, you saw him buried?"

If you don't have fever 'n' ague round Massachusetts, you've got an awful lot of things we hain't got here a tarnashun sight wuss ones, too; sich as cumsempsun, brown-critters, mental spinageetis, lung-disease, and all sorts of brownkill disorders.

No very abstruse argumentation is needed, in the first place to prove that the powers, or faculties, of all kinds of living matter, diverse as they may be in degree, are substantially similar in kind. Goethe has condensed a survey of all powers of mankind into the well-known epigram: "Warum treibt sich das Volk so und schreit?

"I ain't never goin' t' doubt a man like you, Mr. Thornly," he said, "but ye see I could only train Janet one way, havin', as ye know, no other 'sperience. I ain't use t' sich waters as ye sail, an' Janet ain't much wiser. I'm thinkin'," he paused and tried to see his way, "I'm thinkin', Mr. Devant might help ye on this tack.

The Deacon always tried to be good-humored with an angry woman, and he thought he would try the effect of a little pleasantry. "I'm a Baptist, ma'am, and they say us Baptists are tryin' to put out that fire with cold water." "You a Babtist?" she answered scornfully. "The hot place is full o' jest sich Babtists as yo'uns air, and they're making room for more.

"That's true, Henri; but sich as it is it's all ye'll git." "I vish," remarked Henri after a pause "I vish I could git de vampum belt de leetle chief had on. It vas superb. Fat place do vampums come from?" "They're shells " "Oui," interrupted Henri; "I know fat dey is. Dey is shells, and de Injuns tink dem goot monish, mais I ask you fat place de come from."