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The surprise of the girl's people knew no bounds when they saw all this coming to their house, for they had not even thought of Siagon marrying their daughter. The Boy who Became a Stone Tinguian "I am making a snare for you," said the boy; but the bird continued to call until the snare was finished.

As soon as the man arrived home and inquired for his wife, the people told him that she had died and they had buried her under the house. Then he knew that it was her spirit that had taken him to the strange town. The Mistaken Gifts Tinguian When Siagon was about eight years old his parents began looking for a girl who would make a suitable wife.

At last when they had decided on a beautiful maiden, who lived some distance from them, they sent a man to her parents to ask if they would like Siagon for a son-in-law. Now when the man arrived at the girl's house the people were all sitting on the floor eating periwinkle, and as they sucked the meat out of the shell, they nodded their heads.

They said his wife was dead and they had buried her under his house; then he made layog for his wife. The father of Siagon was head man of Patok. He walked one night on the road which goes to Domayko. In the road he saw a big man whom he thought was Padawil. Then he smelt a bad odor and knew it was a ladag He struck it with his whip and it said, "Hah."