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Then came a gun-shot, the snort of a horse, a loud laugh. Neale heard all with sensitive, recording ears. "Mac, yez are so dom' smart now tell me who built the U. P.?" demanded Pat. "Thot's asy. Me fri'nd Casey did, b'gorra," retorted McDermott. "Loike hell he did! It was the Irish." "Shure, thot's phwat I said," McDermott replied. "Wal, thin, phwat built the U. P.? Tell me thot.

"Ah, shure!" said the plucky Irish lady, "the shells were dhroppin' all round here; but they were only nine-pounders, and we don't take any notice of them at all." No words can describe the cheerful, patient behaviour of those devoted Sisters through the siege.

Sure I lived in the same cabin wid a pig for many a year not not to mintion a large family o' cocks and hens an' a clainer baste than that pig didn't stop in that cabin." "That doesn't say much for your own cleanliness, or that of your family," remarked Glynn. "Och! ye've bin to school, no doubt, haven't ye?" retorted Phil. "I have," replied Glynn. "Shure I thought so.

"Ye wish that, do ye?" cried the Father, rumpling his red hair from the back of his neck upward. "Well, shure, ye don't know what ye're talkin' about! For there isn't annything harder than talkin' t' folks that haven't the sense or the decency t' do what's right. And also no rascal pines t' be watched!" Barber stared. "What's y're grudge?" he demanded.

General Jackson, who had "whipped the British" at New Orleans, was the object of his especial adoration, especially as he used to forgive him when the Superintendent of Public Buildings occasionally complained that he drank whisky rather too freely. "Shure, Mr.

"I was asked to hand this to ye." I took it in wonder. Was there something more from Detective Coogan? I tore open the envelope and read on its inclosure: "Kum tonite to the house. Shure if youre life is wurth savein. "Muther Borton." I studied the note carefully, and then turned to Policeman Corson. "When did she give you this and where?" "A lady?" said Corson with a grin. "Ah, Mr.

There are guns which bear right down on the ships, if they venture in close, while theirs will do but little damage to these solidly built walls. Suwarndrug ought to resist a fleet ten times as strong as that before us." "Shure then, yer honor, and will we have to remain here all our lives, do ye think?" "No, Tim, I hope not.

"But we'll not be carin' about anny crazy destruction," he announced cheerfully; "for, shure, and there's plenty more o' 'em on sale in this town." Johnnie stared up, trying to comprehend the good news. "The 'xact same ones?" he asked. "Little book lover, I'll warrant there's a thousand o' each story if a man was t' take count." "Oh!" The Father knelt. "Lad, dear!" he exclaimed tenderly.

"To be shure, Miss; and wouldn't I go the world round wid you? and why not? for it's you was always the kind misthress to me. But what'll I be doing to help you?" And then Feemy explained to her her plans, and began to pack up the few treasures she could take with her, in a box small enough for Biddy to carry; and the two kneeled down together to the work.

There she was, saying good-evening to someone who had just come from Sapps Court. The man in the shop listened, closely and curiously. "Good-avening, Mr. Moses, thin! Whin will we see the blessed chilther back? Shure it's wakes and wakes and wakes!"