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I said to myself "There he is pulling off his boots thank heavens he is done." Another slight pause he went to shuffling again! I said to myself, "Is he trying to see what he can do with only one boot on?" Presently came another pause and another thump on the floor. I said "Good, he has pulled off his other boot NOW he is done." But he wasn't. The next moment he was shuffling again.

By nine o'clock everything is hushed; not a wheel is heard at that dead hour; the few feet shuffling stealthily through the Alte Wiese whisper a caution of silence to those issuing with a less guarded tread from the opera; the little bowers that overhang the stream are as dark and mute as the restaurants across the way which serve meals in them by day; the whole place is as forsaken as other cities at midnight.

and the jokers had dispersed, Say slowly retreated within the room, cowered down by the hearth, a sharp stone-splinter in her hand and her eyes fixed upon the door, watching lest anybody should appear. She listened with throbbing heart to discover whether there was any shuffling sound to betray the approach of one of the Koshare.

Here alone was there any approach to shuffling, for Master Headley was left to suppose that Randall attended Wolsey in his capacity of king's counsellor, and therefore, having a house of his own, had not been found in the roll of the domestic retainers and servants.

I recall an instant of horrible, tense silence, and in the gloom beside me I was aware of Moa moving. I felt a thrill of instinctive fear would she plunge that knife into me? The silence of the darkened deck was broken with a confusion of sounds. A babble of voices; a woman passenger's scream; shuffling feet; and above it all, Miko's roar: "Stand quiet! Everyone! No movement!"

There was a shuffling of feet outside, and Ted knew that they were turning a body over. "Yes, he's stone-dead." "Pore Dick! He had his faults, but he was a good pal." "He wuz, but too derned soft-hearted. He didn't want ter kill a feller in cold blood never." "An' yet he wa'n't no coward.

They might just as well be friends. Mother's knock would disturb them soon enough. A noise roused him from his waking death. It was the shuffling of feet. Old Toadie heard it too, and snarled across his shoulder. "Who the hell's that?" In the darkness there was a falling flash. It was Blob; Blob, the brave, who had fulfilled his orders and more.

Climbing these, he pulled the bell, and they stood waiting in the twilight of a half-closed vestibule until presently shuffling steps were heard within; the door was cautiously opened, not more than a foot, but enough to reveal a woman in a loose wrapper, with an untidy mass of bleached hair and a puffy face like a fungus grown in darkness. "I want to see Miss Lise Bumpus," Mr. Tiernan demanded.

She likes you. She will come." He turned and hurried away to one of the far cottages, where Mademoiselle Reisz was shuffling away. She was dragging a chair in and out of her room, and at intervals objecting to the crying of a baby, which a nurse in the adjoining cottage was endeavoring to put to sleep.

"Mornin'," he nodded, and looking into his driver's eyes, dropped the handful of dirty lint with which he had been polishing. After shuffling from foot to foot for a minute, he ended by climbing down on the far side of the engine. "Oldster," he said, "'tis mutiny p'raps; but s'help me, if I ride a mile longside that new face o' your'n!" "Maybe you're right," his superior answered wearily.