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This has large leaves of a rich purple colour, resembling those of the purple Beech, and is a very distinct plant for the shrubbery border. Should be cut down annually if large leaves are desired. C. COLURNA. Constantinople Hazel. Turkey, 1665. This is the largest and most ornamental of the family, and is mentioned here on account of the showy catkins with which the tree is usually well supplied.

So she had carried out her plan bravely. Putting on a very showy costume, so as to attract as much attention as possible, she had spent the day in driving about to all the places where she thought she would meet most of her acquaintances.

Who is this?" Mr Mountchesney exclaimed, and then walked to the window that looking over the park showed at a distance the advance of a very showy equipage. Lady Joan looked up. "Come here, Joan, and tell me who this is," and Lady Joan was at his side in a moment. "It is the livery of the Bardolfs," said Lady Joan. "I always call them Firebrace; I cannot get out of it," said Mr Mountchesney.

His life in Edinburgh was plain, though hospitable and free; and he seemed to care for few luxuries aside from books, of which life made a large collection. The furniture of his houses in Edinburgh and at Abbotsford was neither showy nor luxurious.

She will probably marry some man of coarse taste, who will be attracted by her fine form and showy appearance, to say nothing of the effect of the prevalent belief that she will certainly be provided for 'on old Meeker's death. So much for the present situation of the Meeker family. While Arabella is taking her drive, I have had time to tell the reader thus much about it.

They could show, first, that the war resulted in the main from Lord Beaconsfield's persistent opposition to Russia in the Eastern Question, also that the Muscovite intrigues at Cabul were a natural and very effective retort to the showy and ineffective expedient of bringing Indian troops to Malta; in short, that the Afghan War was due largely to Russia's desire for revenge.

They were ocean dandies of the first water; for, in addition to their showy garb that of the junior being similar to his captain's, except that the epaulettes were lacking, they both wore gold ear-rings, while several apparently valuable rings flashed upon the rather dirty fingers of the senior officer.

Thin, well- shaped, not handsome, my dear young lady, far from it, but with an air so thoroughbred that, had you seen him in the day when the opera-house had a crushroom and a fops' alley, seen him in either of those resorts, surrounded by elaborate dandies and showy beauty-men, dandies and beauty- men would have seemed to you secondrate and vulgar; and the eye, fascinated by that quiet form, plain in manner, plain in dress, plain in feature, you would have said, "How very distinguished it is to be so plain!"

Two enormous trees, rounded into domes, like monuments of leaves, the gigantic horse-chestnuts, whose heavy verdure is lighted up by red and white clusters, the showy sycamores, the graceful plane-trees with their trunks designedly polished, set off in a charming perspective the tall, undulating grass.

Vulgarity is always showy. It is a pretty word, "Reformers." The common herd of them I don't mind much, for rogues and fools always find employment for each other.