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If I was him, I'd Great Scott!" He had partly arisen, and was looking at the shore. He began to scream. "Ted! Ted! Ted! Look!" "What's matter?" dreamily spoke the freckled man. "You remind me of when I put the bird-shot in your leg." He giggled softly. The agitated tall man made a gesture of supreme eloquence. His companion up-reared and turned a startled gaze shoreward.

He saw the long, indigo-coloured swell thrusting the broken ships shoreward. He felt the wind freshening as it southered and he left the Fleet behind: he watched their many lanterns as they sank out of sight, then the glow of flares by the light of which dead-tired men were repairing damages, cutting away wreckage.

Billy and Hall had disappeared and were making the circle around the end. Those on the beach were certain that the poet had gained in the dizzy spurts of flight along the knife-edge. Even Hazard admitted it. "What price for my money now?" he cried excitedly, dancing up and down. Hall had reappeared, the great jump accomplished, and was running shoreward. But there was no gap.

The wind had risen a little, and there was a low band of clouds in the south. The skipper told Mr. Delancy that it would be much fresher with the sinking of the sun, but Jack replied that it wouldn't amount to anything; the glass was all right. "Now the great winds shoreward blow; Now the salt tides seaward flow; Now the wild white horses play, Champ and chafe and toss in the spray."

Not one of the Indians who had set out on this errand of death survived the hermit's stratagem. At times the fisher-folk of Maine are startled to see the form of a ship, with gaunt timbers showing through the planks, like lean limbs through rents in a pauper's garb, float shoreward in the sunset.

On and on we rowed, and I was berating myself for permitting the men to go on so far ahead of us with the canoes, for they did not know the way and the fog had completely shut out the lights of the Post buildings, which otherwise would have been visible across the bay for a considerable distance. Suddenly through the fog and darkness, from shoreward, came a "Hello! Hello!"

Bare-legged and bare-shouldered La Paz scampered down to the beach, for the arrival of a steamer was their loop-the-loop, circus, Emancipation Day and four-o'clock tea. When the steamer was near enough, wise ones proclaimed that she was the Pajaro, bound up-coast from Callao to Panama. The Pajaro put on brakes a mile off shore. Soon a boat came bobbing shoreward.

"There is Pa-pah on the water rowing somebody's maid about." "What!" exclaimed Yates, springing to his feet. "How extraordinary," said Drusilla, following him to the edge of the bluff; "and they're singing, too, as they row!" From far below, wafted across the sparkling waters of Oyster Bay, Mr. Carr's rich and mellifluous voice was wafted shoreward: "I der-reamt that I dwelt in ma-arble h-a-l-ls."

Viewed from the top of the rock, the sea at such times looked, for at least two miles out, as if it were scored over with lines of white foam; but lower down, near the beach, each roller could be distinctly seen, and each roller had a curve of many feet, and was an enormous mass of water that hurled itself shoreward until it curled and broke.

The surf ran high, and the crew could not land; but an adventurous young sailor jumped overboard and swam shoreward with a gift of beads and trinkets for the Indians, who stood watching him. His heart failed as he drew near; he flung his gift among them, turned, and struck out for the boat.