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'Whose body is in that hearse? said I to a dapper-looking individual, seemingly a shopkeeper, who stood beside me on the pavement, looking at the procession. 'The mortal relics of Lord Byron, said the dapper-looking individual, mouthing his words and smirking 'the illustrious poet, which have been just brought from Greece, and are being conveyed to the family vault in -shire.

Many a good solid shopkeeper in Bath must no doubt have shaken his grey head solemnly as he passed the door, and muttered to himself that that young German singer fellow was clearly going on the road to ruin with his foolish good-for-nothing star-gazing.

It seems that, many years before, a young man had migrated from the valley and settled at a distant seaport, where, after getting together a little money, he had set up as a shopkeeper. His name but I could never learn whether it was his real one, or a nickname that had grown out of his habits and success in life was Gathergold.

The Frenchman was simply in the situation of a shopkeeper who has no control over his customers, and if he does not retain their good-will, must see them deal at the other place across the street. There is no doubt that this difference of conditions made an enormous difference between the Spanish and the French attitude toward the Indians.

As they were moving off, they asked if the money was good or bad, to which the noodle replied, "Ha! ha! is it of my money you speak in that way, and want to know whether it is good or bad? Look there is a shopkeeper in that tree," pointing with his finger "show it to him." Then the thieves went up to the shopkeeper and robbed him of two hundred pagodas.

"How ugly you look!" and thereupon threw her arms round him and kissed him quickly. "But why did you get yourself up like this? You look like some sort of shopkeeper, or pedlar, or a retired servant. Why this long coat? Why not simply like a peasant?" "Why?" Nejdanov began.

They will have no dealings with Herr Muller, the rich shopkeeper, but whatever name the distinguished artist, or public servant, or man of science, or young giant in any field of intellectual prowess may bear, he is welcomed. In general this welcome given by German society to talent holds good.

The next morning at daybreak Emma ran to Lheureux to beg him to make out another account for not more than a thousand francs, for to show the one for four thousand it would be necessary to say that she had paid two-thirds, and confess, consequently, the sale of the estate a negotiation admirably carried out by the shopkeeper, and which, in fact, was only actually known later on.

The book gave three or four methods of buying boots; George had carefully selected the one centred round "Mr. X," as being of all the most courtly. You talked a good deal with the shopkeeper about this "Mr.

Barney wondered if Joseph had been successful in returning her to Tann, and he wondered, too, if she mourned for the man she had thought king if she would be very angry should she ever learn the truth. Then there came to the American's mind the figure of the shopkeeper of Tafelberg, and the fellow's evident loyalty to the mad king he had never seen. Here was one who might aid him, thought Barney.