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A few minutes later the voice of the old Doane was raised from the darkness: "Whoever ye be over yon," it challenged, "lift up both yore hands. I'm a-goin' ter light a lantern now an' come straight to'rds ye but thar's a rifle-gun ter ther right of ye an' a pistol ter ther left of ye an' ef ye makes a false move both of 'em'll begin shootin'."

He is just informin' the assembly what his war plans are when Louisiana cracks down on him and busts his shootin' arm. But this Louisiana has done frightened a lady a whole lot and that's as good an excuse to get him as any." "Well," said Ike, dryly, "the gent went by here maybe two hours gone headin' south. He was goin' steady but he don't seem worried none as I noticed.

He never makes a brag; but he boxes up that old shootin' iron and drops out of sight. 'Way up in the woods somewhere he digs up an old b'gosh artist that was brought up with one of them guns in his hand, and he takes a private course. After he's used up a keg of powder shootin' at tin cans they start out to find where the deers roost. They find 'em, too. Mr.

Uncle Pros's chin dropped to his breast, his eyes half closed as he sat thinking intently. "Well," he said finally, "they won't have nothing worse than manslaughter against Shade. It can't be proved that he intended to shoot Pap 'cause he didn't. If he was shootin' after us there's the thing we don't want to bring up.

The preacher'll preach a long sermon condemnin' the takin' of human life without due process of law, an' the next Sunday he'll preach another one about the onchristian shootin' of folks without givin' 'em a chanct to repent after they'd drawed an' he'll use the lynchin' as a specimen of the workin's of the hand of the Lord in bringin' speedy justice onto the murderer.

You can't alter what's bin done by cryin' over spilt milk, an' it comes heavy on the rest of us, like. Indeed it do. So I've made so bold as to come an' say you'd better drop it and come along with me for a day's shootin' of the cats an' pigs, and then we'll go home an' have a royal supper an' a song or two, or maybe a game at blind-man's-buff with the child'n.

His piece was soon loaded; and, swinging her to the hunter's carry, he turned to the crowd, now collected from all parts of the camp. "Thar's one kind o' shootin'," said he, "that's jest as easy as fallin' off a log. Any man kin do it as kin look straight through hind-sights. But then thar's another kind that ain't so easy; it needs narve."

Joe had difficulty in suppressing his laughter, but Mr. Bickford looked perfectly serious. "Why, that was butchery!" exclaimed the Pike man, startled. "Cut off his head with a scythe?" "I hated to, bein' as he was my cousin," said Joshua, "but I couldn't have him cum any of them tricks on me. I don't see as it's any wuss than shootin' a man."

So we piles in, umbrella, pies, and all, and inside of half an hour I've landed the whole shootin' match safe in a two-fifty air-shaft room in one of those punk little ten-story hotels down in the 40's. I showed 'em how to work the electric light switch, got 'em some ice water, and pointed out the fire escape.

"No, I can't prove that Landson did it, an' I can't prove that the grass my steers eat turns to hair on their backs," he retorted, "but I reach my own conclusions. Is there any shootin' irons in the place?" "Now, Dad, that's enough," said the girl, firmly. "There'll be no shooting between you and Landson. If there is to be anything of that kind I'll ride down ahead and warn him of what's coming."